
My Grandfather's 94th Birthday.

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This is my Grandfather. We call him Pop. He just turned 94 years old today 4/20/2012. He was born in 1918. He is a WWII Army Veteran. He lived with my parents for a year before he required more medical attention than he could get at home. He is currently in a skilled nursing facility. He gets visited by 2 of his 4 daughters 4 days a week. He has Parkinson's which has affected his legs and he can no longer walk. He was able to walk until he was 92. He takes Vitamins daily and is on no other medications. He does have trouble remembering things, but given some clues, he figures it out every time. He has had many mini-strokes in the last 2 years and so he has some trouble with muscle control. He is very funny and very picky about how his hair is styled. He likes music and women. He still thinks he's 25.

I wanted to share this video to show others that Parkinson's affects people in different ways and to show how we deal with it. I will try to put up more when we get some.
