
KTM350 EXC vs Little Chinese Bike on the BEACHES of MADAGASCAR🇲🇬[S7-E100]

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In this episode, it's attempt #2 to ride south along the west coast of Madagascar. After the Kawasaki of Didier broke down, he got another motorcycle to ride.. but, this specimen comes with it's own set of troubles.. But first, we are spending 2 days on a 'tuff-tuff' to Morombe, where the sand begins...

Want to learn how to use drones, GoPros and 360 cameras to film your solo motorcycle adventure? Check out: www.itchyboots.com/academy

Here I teach all my filming techniques including getting drone shots while riding!

Gear & Equipment that I use in this season:

Follow my journey on: WWW.ITCHYBOOTS.COM
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#itchyboots #adventure #crf300rally
