A Perfect Trip to Mexico Wine Country! (Valle de Guadalupe Baja Travel Guide)
Valle de Guadalupe travel guide (blog) 💻 www.eatseerv.com/valle-de-guadalupe
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Travel to Valle de Guadalupe Baja California, Mexico wine country. Commonly called "the Napa of Mexico" Valle de Guadalupe is home to over 100 vineyards and growing rapidly. It's also a foodie's dream. If you're planning a trip to Valle de Guadalupe this travel guide will show you the best places to eat and drink and tips for visiting.
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00:00 Intro to vlog
00:33 Best Breakfast in the world! (Doña Esthelas)
02:38 Wine tasting in Valle de Guadalupe
06:13 History of Mexico wines and Valle de Guadalupe
07:53 Restaurants in Valle de Guadalupe
09:59 This only happens once a year (why we RV Mexico)
10:44 Getting around Valle de Guadalupe
13:24 Tips for visiting Valle de Guadalupe
15:00 Accommodations and RV Camping in Valle de Guadalupe
16:03 Outtakes
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