Desi Pool Party She Likes The Water Topaz 8K 3D 180
Desi loves the water, and she loves the pool. Sometimes, she can't wait to get in the pool. Would you like to join her?
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Al Caudullo
(+66) 81-256-7608
(+1) 702-997-2595
All Music by SmartSound Royalty Free Music.
SmartSound® Music License Information
If you purchased music from the SmartSound website, Sonicfire Pro software or one of our third-party resellers for use with the Sonicfire Pro software application after October 7, 2014, your use will be subject to one of three SmartSound music licenses.
Each of the three music licenses are distinct and separate licenses and are dependent on how you plan to use the music and what you paid for the license. Please see the link below for more information, including a comparison chart, on the three licenses:
Note: If you purchase music from within a 3rd party SmartSound integration (such as Cyberlink PowerDirector or Corel Video Studio Pro) after Oct. 7, 2014, you will receive the SmartSound Extended Commercial License.