
How to make Realistic Ruins FAST - Amazing new terrain building system!

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In this video Adam reviews and uses the brand new terrain building system - Slice & Slot.
Check out Albert's kick starter page here: www.kickstarter.com/projects/microforgeminiatures/…
Check out his instagram here: www.instagram.com/microforgeminis/

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Aus - www.gapgames.com.au/?sca_ref=2957094.obQNeXs9fD
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USA - amzn.to/41wIzfa (Amazon)

Flock Materials Used:
WS Fine Turf Weeds
WS Fine Turf Grass
WS Fine Turf Burnt Grass
WS Fine Turf Earth Blend
WS Blended Turf Green Blend
WS Course Turf Medium Green
WS Course Turf Dark Green
WS Underbrush Dark Green
WS Clump Foliage Dark Green
Geek Gaming Clump Foliage (Light, Medium & Dark Green)
Geek Gaming City Rubble Base Ready

You can purchase these materials using the following affiliate links:
USA - amzn.to/3JyNCmf (Amazon)
UK - elementgames.co.uk/osgiliath-ruins?d=10885
Aus - www.gapgames.com.au/?sca_ref=2957094.obQNeXs9fD
NZ - www.kapitihobbies.com/?sca_ref=2831242.fvw2uMCR5c

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Check out our other videos here:
   / @dicedrinksanddadjokes  

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Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

This video reviews content from the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game formerly known as Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game and The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game. MESBG is a skirmish style war game developed by Games Workshop, based off the incredible artwork from the three films by Peter Jackson as well as drawing inspiration directly from the books. Players take control of the forces of good and evil and play out epic moments from the Lord of the Rings in anything from small heroes driven scenarios to epic battles utilising hundreds of models. To find out more, head over to www.games-workshop.com

#gamesworkshop #mesbg #warhammer #warhammercommunity #middleearthstrategybattlegame #osgiliath #terrainbuilding #tabletopterrain
