
The Biggest Jazz Beginner Struggle And How To Overcome It

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As a Jazz guitar beginner, many of us learn a lot about what notes to play very quickly, but just knowing all that stuff doesn't work and what is even worse you don't sound like Jazz at all! Here's how to fix that!

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00:00 Struggling To Sound Like Jazz!
01:01 The Most Basic Vocabulary
01:44 Recipe #1 - Add A Scale Note!
03:00 Recipe #2 - Add Rhythm Chromatic Notes!
04:13 Can You Practice Improvisation Slowly?
05:49 The Wrong Chromatic Notes Strategy
07:24 This Sounds So Boring, But...
09:52 The Most Bebop Arpeggio
11:02 Why Barry Harris has the Best Method for Chromatic Notes
11:20 Like the video? Check out my Patreon page!

My name is Jens Larsen, a Danish Jazz Guitarist and Educator. The videos on this channel will help you explore and enjoy Jazz. Some of them teach you how to play jazz guitar, but other videos focus on Music Theory, like Jazz Chords, or offer advice on practicing and learning Jazz on guitar or any other instrument.

The videos are mostly jazz guitar lessons, music theory, song analysis, and videos on jazz guitars.

Edited by Luciano Poli - Business Inquiries: polivideoedit@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/jenslarsenYTlessons
Twitter: twitter.com/JensLJazz
Instagram: instagram.com/jenslarsenjazz/

My Book: Modern Jazz Guitar Concepts: geni.us/Y69J4

My Gear:

Music Notation: www.guitar-pro.com/#ae113
Software For Transcribing: bit.ly/Trnscrib
Clip-on Tuner: geni.us/FbPGZg4
Great Safe Gigbag: geni.us/1aH94
SonoCore Strings: 13-53 geni.us/nU3NA3V
Powered Monitor: geni.us/YB8z3X
Headphones: geni.us/fGDhHl
Audio Interface: geni.us/qFIfT
Camera 1: geni.us/AlpjaA7siii
Lens 1: geni.us/Sigma2470
Lens 2: geni.us/GmM8
Lens 3: geni.us/GJ01Hv
Video Lights: geni.us/wQ8jhSy
Video Lights: geni.us/MWtU
