Jake Paul dissing Dr Mike by basically saying he reads books is one hell of a self own.
I would take Jake Paul's dislike for me as a badge of honor that I would proudly wear.
"book thumping" as an insult? Tell me you've weaponized your ignorance without telling me you've weaponized your ignorance 😂
Having a paul brother calling you stupid is like having the simpson's cat lady calling you crazy.
“Social media-y” “Omg, that’s even worse!” 🤣
“Physically?” The look in his eyes when he said that, my dude was about to go bury some bodies…
Just like a bully in highschool bullying the nerd by calling them book reader
Having one of the Pauls call me stupid would be a crowning achievement to me
Attacked for reading. We are quickly going the path of Idiocracy. When people are shamed/attacked for having an educated opinion of something that they are a SME or directly impacts their profession.
Jake Paul is the literal equivalent of what happens if you give the stereotypical 80's bully everything they ever wanted without learning anything. Why did people care about him again and still do?
Yeah, he just attacked me wow, physically no, on social media. Oh, that’s even worse. 😂😂😂😂
Jake should read a book once in a while in my opinion
1st time ive came across a pod cast with intelligent men, calmly having a discussion and not aggressively attacking groups of people for no reason, i love it
My guy it’s been a sad day for healthcare for decades
Life feels like a dystopian sitcom.
Jake Paul’s parents allowed him to drop out of high school. He also wrote a dis track about teachers not teaching him things.😂😂😂 Jake would have learned more if he wasn’t busy stealing kids IPhones
I started watching RFK podcasts after he was named and was surprised by how much I agreed with him on things about our food supply but I've only watched about 2 hours of content and it didn't touch on vaccines. I really trust your opinion and would love to see you do a breakdown on what you disagree or agree with in terms of what RFK plans to do.
Dissing someone for reading reminds me of people who would weirdly make fun of someone for loving their parents in high school, “this dude loves his mom what a loser.” Just the stares of “what?” 😐
"Not big on the thinking" 😂💯💯💯 perfect way to describe the Paul brothers and so many of these influencers