
Which fish was your favorite from this haul?! If this video hits 50,000 likes, we’re going BACK to buy EVERY fish again—so smash that like button!🔥
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Wouldn’t they die really quickly in the vending machine in Styrofoam containers and then tossing them around in the machine and everything wouldn’t kill them ?


So. You take a live bait vending machine that usually sells worms, put new covers on the vending machine to play into "mystery fish", keep the containers and swap the worms/dirt for these fish in the small containers (dont even go through the effort of fully cleaning all of the containers), then play into "What a surprise!" when really it's just an excuse for two guys who don't really understand these fish to stock their tanks without backlash from viewers


Yall don't think they own that vending machine, and already know what is in it.?


The fact that they put fish in a styrofoam container in a machine with no food, no light, nothing is pretty fucked up.


"How much fake do you want?"

"Give me everything you have."


How the fishes survive in that machine without oxigen in a few inches of water??


Most of the fish would be dead in a hour so after they stock it they have to get them out right away. The clown probably died from being shook up in the machine stress and lack of oxygen. Anyone else noticed that the star fish wasn't moving and seemed stiff that means it was dead too. Star fish create slim when picked up out of water unless they are dead😢 poor fish


Wouldbe more believable if you opened the container as soonas it came out of the machine with no edits or cuts


yall  know they put the fish in there specifically for the video right? 😅


Im embarrassed that I believed this was real for 90 seconds 😂


In the future, for the clownfish, you can actually do a sort of cpr on them, it’s different due to the way fish anatomy is. You want to gently pinch their back fin between your fingers, and then drag them backwards through the water in a serpentine motion(so think a giant s shape movement) a few times, palpate their underside gently yet firmly, and repeat the serpentine motion a few more times. It might take a while for the fish to start breathing again. You’re doing this as a way to try and force air into their gills since they aren’t breathing on their own.


There’s no way someone’s selling these fish for 4$ each


Keep your show real,


Is anyone realising he just modified a bait machine to have more fish and put them in there


I think the last one might just be a stonefish but like a gold one maybe😅😅😊😊


What happened to all the axolotls you bought? The small one Chris had pre move, the breeding pair and their babies, the ones from the abandoned garage....
And where are all the other fish yall have bought? And the lobster, Larry?


Before I even get to the end of this video, let me take a guess. The quarantine systems not used again?


This is the first time a video from this channel has come across my feed and I never want to see another video from this channel on my feed ever again for as long as I live.


Must be so nice after video opening your machine up and getting all those 1s back