
Use code Gomeow10 to save some money on your first order.

Slow Speed Ring Turners, Stand & Stone Sifting Tower:
SSRT 5 RPM - https://bit.ly/SlowSpeedRingTurner5RPM
SSRT 10 RPM - https://bit.ly/SlowSpeedRingTurner10RPM
Ring Mandrels with Optional Mandrel Stand - https://bit.ly/Ring-Mandrel-Set-And-Stand
Stone Sifting Tower - https://bit.ly/Stone-Sifting-Tower

Glue & UV Resin Options:
GluBoost Glue & Accelerator - https://bit.ly/GluBoost-CA-Glue
UV Clear Acrylic Resin with UV Curing Light - https://amzn.to/3Zsq7mG

Ring Blanks:
All Ring Blanks - https://bit.ly/All-Ring-Blanks
Unique Ring Blanks - https://bit.ly/Unique-Ring-Blanks
Carbon Fiber Ring Blanks - https://bit.ly/Carbon-Fiber-Ring-Blanks
Ceramic Ring Blanks - https://bit.ly/Ceramic-Ring-Blanks
Titanium Ring Blanks - https://bit.ly/Titanium-Ring-Blanks
Tungsten Ring Blanks - https://bit.ly/Tungsten-Ring-Blanks
Stainless Steel Ring Blanks - https://bit.ly/Stainless-Steel-Ring-Blanks
Wood Ring Blanks - https://bit.ly/Wood-Ring-Blanks

Inlay Materials:
Crushed Synthetic Bello Opal (92 Color Options) - https://bit.ly/Crushed-Synthetic-Bellow-Opal
Precut Dichrolam Inlays - https://bit.ly/Precut-Dichrolam-Inlays
EZ Inlay Guitar String - https://bit.ly/EZ-Inlay-Guitar-String
Celluloid Sheets & Ring Cores - https://bit.ly/Celluloid-Sheets-And-Ring-Cores

Ring Sizers:
4mm - Surefit Comfort Fit Ring Sizers - https://bit.ly/4mm-Ring-Sizer
6mm - Surefit Comfort Fit Ring Sizers - https://bit.ly/6mm-Ring-Sizer
8mm - Surefit Comfort Fit Ring Sizers - https://bit.ly/8mm-Ring-Sizer
10mm - Surefit Comfort Fit Ring Sizers - https://bit.ly/10mm-Ring-Sizer
All 4 Sets - Surefit Comfort Fit Ring Sizers - https://bit.ly/All-4-Sets-Ring-Sizers

Expanding Mandrels & Finder Savers:
Expanding Stainless Steel Ring Mandrel Set - https://amzn.to/3Zu3wGa
Cheaper Expanding Mandrels Set - https://amzn.to/3LBDgEe 
Teflon Tape - https://amzn.to/3Lzm8io
Ring Maker Finger Saver - https://bit.ly/Ring-Maker-Finger-Saver

Sand Paper:
Boxed Multi-Roll Assorted Sand Paper - https://amzn.to/3EO2JGE
Micro-Mesh Foam Pads - https://amzn.to/3roOyVl
Micro-Mesh Soft Touch Sanding Pads w/ Galvanized Steel Dispenser - https://amzn.to/3EQzova
3m WetorDry Micron Graded Polishing Paper - https://bit.ly/3M-WETORDRY-MICRON-GRADED-POLISHING-PAPER
Meguiar's PlastX Clear Plastic Polish - https://amzn.to/3Lzd6BU

Mini Lathe:
Bench Top Mini Metal Lathe - https://amzn.to/3LA9tM7
Variable Speed Mini Benchtop Wood Lathe (You can use this one but you have to modify it a bit) - https://amzn.to/44YE7FO

BRS RING BLANK SUBSCRIPTION BOX - https://bit.ly/Subscription-Box-Bentwood-Ring-Supplies
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My PATREON ➜ https://patreon.com/GomeowCreations
One time support ➜ https://paypal.me/gomeowcreations
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Facebook ➜ https://facebook.com/GomeowCreations/
Note: Most of the links that I use that go to products are affiliate link. This means I make a small commission on anything that you happen buy using them. This is at no extra charge to you and this helps support the work I do on this channel. 😁👍


Quality tools, quality video, quality rings. What more can we ask for? Well done!


Thanks Randy! I have an inlay commission right now and so appreciate your guidance!


That looks awesome! Well done 👏


GLUBOOST is fun to say. I really like that wooden ring. That stone separator thing was really cool too. Simple, but I imagine it's quite useful.


I've used their product before and I like it. I think I like it a little better than Adairs.


Any chance you have experience with or an opinion on VEVOR rolling mills? They're significantly cheaper than other brands which makes me doubt their quality, but rolling mills are so expensive that I'm honestly willing to take the plunge on the hopes it'll be servicable.


Where did you get your lathe machine? And is there a difference between the bentwood and the lathe?


Do you sell some of the rings sir ? I want  to buy a hand made/crafted ring. Please if you do , let me know .
Thanks for the amazing work though


What would you consider basic jeweler tools and where would i be able to get them from


How much would you make for a black ring with red arsenic realgar crystals in it?


Can u show how to polish the wood ring


What the name/make of that mini lathe?


This is my uncles stuff




Your to fast man