And another one your travel content is unmatched can’t wait to see what next blessing comes your way and you get to take us on ❤️❤️
Alyssa, I just want to say congratulations on how far you have come as a content creator in a league of your own and to let you know that you are deserving of all these amazing opportunities and more because your creativity shines through your work. Keep doing what you know how to do. Love from this Nigerian babe that has been silently watching you far away 😘😘😘
i love all the morning clips of you and marco
What an incredible trip! So lovely that you and Marco got to experience it together!
That was so cool. Thanks for sharing. A fan I am from 🇨🇦
Your creativity is unmatched😢❤
Great vlog and great music! You killed this girlie
Looked amazing!
Really liking ur travel vlogs !! Especially the music you chosen to used in this video ❤🖤
Always love the music you choose for your videos 🐨
Yesssssss!!!! I was waiting for this video ever since you posted the pics on IG 😊
Sooooo proud of you Alyssa 🙌🏿
LOOOOOOOOOVED the last song in the edit. This was a good video, and you shared in the experience with us.
I was so happy to see Marco back with you traveling 🥰 U 2 are adorable :)
As a baby YouTuber/editor i absolutely love watching your videos the editing is so clean i hope to reach this level one day! 👌🏾
Love love love… definitely would love to do this for my 50th in a few years. Great vlog Alyssa 😊
The views are immaculate
Congratulations on the cruise!!! This is your reward for consistently working hard. Well done & congratulations!!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽✨✨✨✨🎉🎉🎉🎉🇨🇦
Looks like an amazing trip😍 thanks for sharing!