
this is a roleplay sever I made with wemmbu and a mysterious member (guess in comments)

lifesteal videos coming out in the next few weeks too dw


3:48 Spoke: what's your nam- uh your name's wemmbu..
 Wemmbu: laughs out of the roleplay


How to Destroy my Grandma's totem...


Thanks for the mention in description, I had much fun finding these! Was great to see you reaction for all the crazy rares! Btw there's more rares just before updating 1.20.5


Mojang: Fixs every bug and exploit and existance
Spoke: one second there is one mor-


i love working as a guard! it's so awesome and fun and i will protect the wonders with my life 😁😁


This video releases my inner anger for no reason. Its like watching a TV show and you want characters to do the right thing and they just don't make a choices and it just makes you like panick. Spoke I loved this


“We didn’t even beat the dragon yet” less than 4 minutes later goes in the end and it’s empty


Spoke losing a totem to a goat because he was singing ‘When I Was Your Man’ made me choke on my water


How lore intensive do you want this server to be?

Spoke and JamatoP: Yes


2:18 "this is not something that should be possible in this version" -Spoke, they guy who got command blocks in lifesteal, in survival mode


spoke never fails to drop an exploit video per year




I love it that spoke uses a fish bucket George, instead of a regular water bucket.


“This server is running out of time.” -Spoke


bro used the wormhole exploit and got scared of a portile slicer


Thanks For the tutorial, This will really help my universe ending business


Mojang: i fixed a bug!
Spoke: i found 371,000 more!


LISTEN TO THE WAY his voice trembles with lies at "It's not  big deal, it happens sometimes. The server's just lagging a little bit!" Definite Villain Arc Beginning-Mid....


This video is a masterpiece (that I will probably  watch multiple more times) the only thing is that there was definitely some plot holes with the dragon already being dead when a point Jamato brought up was that it hadn't been beaten yet, also when Spoke and Wembu went through the end gateway and got the advancement (remote getaway) when they had both been previously been to the outer end islands. But that is just my writer showing. Loved it ❤❤