Good memories from old L.A...We miss those passing days...
Thank you for individual episodes. If I have to stop watching one episode on live streaming for a while I cannot go back to resume watching. It’s already gone. I prefer this way. Beautiful memories of my time living in NYC.
Thank you Frank dryer for making my day while I was a little
I remember watching Hunter. This was back in the 1980's. Excellent tv shows back then. It's a shame that this kind of programing doesn't exist any more.🙁
"Works for me!" 😂😂😂😂
LOVED IT !! <3 <3 Good to see them in action again.
Espetacular de las mejores series de los 80 el cazador sensacional
¡Dios le pague por compartirlo!. Muchas gracias. Saludos desde Caracas-Venezuela.
Hunter The classic police TV series of The 80s More and More action and adventure.
Whoa, that's gotta' hurt, (George Costanza).
Please upload all the episodes. It is so mice!!!
Hopefully we get a Complete Series Blu-ray release! These look great!
Que buenas series habían antes...
Big fan of your streams Shout! But please, please stream the Gary Shandling show!
"TV's Hunter... That's like finding out Jesus knew karate." "Imagine that, Stan. Karate Jesus."
I love yo Didi!
Deberían también esta excelente película colocarla en español