
Cheers Jamie , great video, I’m nearly 58 , two years learning jazz, ten just playing , love it , and find it easier then when I tried as a teen, but you tube just cancels out age when learning, , just have to find ya own path, 👍👍


For the last few years, I tried to learn but still I have to find the right teacher. First one was a jazz musician whose level was too high for a beginner, second was much better with basics but he was a metal player. Unfortunately my work makes me travel a lot, so time to practice is scarce, I might have to wait a few years more when I’ll be closer to retirement. My guitars will wait for me.


I've been playing guitar for more than 50 years. I always told myself I wasn't going to ever "study music". But a dozen years ago I thought I would learn jazz. Its kicked by butt. Now I find just "learning jazz" is a satisfying hobby and not even concerned with playing out or other goals.


At 82, I have had a guitar in my hands just about everyday of my life since I was about 8.  Started out with classical, at about 12 took up finger style folk guitar.  In my 20's played greek and turkish style 7/8, 9/8 and 11/8 songs that were hard to learn at first.  Now in my dotage, I believe that I have forgotten more music than most people will ever know.  But I entertain myself just about nightly for a half hour or so playing plectrum melody.  The one thing I feel so bad about is except for very early in my life, I played alone.   I believe the only way to become a truly fine guitarist is to play with others.  Thank you Jamie for your kind and intelligent videos.


Speaking as one approaching 70, and who began to study music at 50, the problem is not being too old to learn.... the problem is being too old to give a fuck. Comes a point for some people when they don't care as much as they used to. Seen too much, done too much, nothing to prove, willing to let it lay. Not there yet, but I have seen the naked truth of it up close. Might have something to do with a lack of mitochondria.


I taught jazz guitar to a 70 year old. Just because you’re old doesn’t mean you can’t learn anything new. You just have to realize that it might take a little longer grasping certain concepts and the physicality of it can be an issue. Consistent practice  and technique are very important.


Yesss! I do. 😅


Just like for any language, the brain is much more malleable before you are 9 years old. I was sent to French school in grade 1, so 6 years old, and my accent is great. Immersion students who start in grade 6 rarely speak French without an English accent. For music, it’s between 5 and 9.


You certainly can, and Jamie is a great guide!


There is a view prevalent on the Internet that to play jazz you have to play 'standards'. Like Scofield, Stern etc, you can play jazz by taking jazz language and applying it to blues or rock concepts. It is like  jazz from the late 60's onwards doesn't exist. Try doing something NEW rather than going back to the 40's!


I’m 63 so I hope so…


Absolutely not. It’s been proven that you can learn and increase intelligence at any age. Only someone’s mindset will prevent them.


I made this last year... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SagRdYMm2Ig