JOSIE, i hope you are taking care of yourself dear! 😘 So much energy coming through you, take care Hun 🙏
Capricorn, yes.. I resonate soo much with this reading, you are describing him soo much.. tho he's not materialistic, he's very humble and values hard work.. he doesn't take life for granted.. he's been hurt, a lot.. he's a good man
No I am learning a lot from you, I learn to be in the right flow of energy and all that 🪶🪶🪶 so gratitude for people like you ❤️🥰😍
Today I live in the present. I strongly claim this reading and my twinflame runner ended the 6 years relationship. I feel his energy everyday and I really miss him. Innerwork and healing is taking place and I manifest my twinflame runner back. I stopped chasing. ❤I forgave him.
You're so right on about relationship hopping being not a great thing. A lot of times your readings are just what I need to hear! I love how you add the personal touch, how we are most important, taking care of ourselves etc.
555 likes!!! :D 13:03 you are soooo right Josie!! I been doing the inner work all day erry day! You are correct no one should relationship hop. It’s not healthy for anyone
It's nice to look at things with new eyesight especially when you let us learn from your own experiences. Another amazing video
It's good to take time to heal on our own. We also heal relational trauma within relationships ❤
🦢 purrty pelican lol I really love how you literally are here and now with your readings and your just attitude literally here it is take it leave it I don't care I did my part you do with the rest as you please LMAO 🤣 😂 alot of folks need this sort of push and here it is instead of sugar coated white lies. I appreciate your honesty and bluntness supremely thank you and God bless y'all.
Restitution? Judgement?😱 lol. So crasy. First word that came to mind for me with judgement in the middle
24/02/25. Monday. Yes, you are keeping it real. 'Are you experienced'? Are we being experienced? Marvelous readings.
My best wishes for you recover good health as quickly as possible Love and blessings ❤
Thank you, I did 5 years, just to make sure I didn't bring anything from the past into a new connection 💜 you are absolutely correct I once told him , he wouldn't know a healthy positive connection if he was slapped upside the head with it😂 Any old hoo I hope he chose to take the hint and work on himself 🪶😇
4:49 I allow myself to fully integrate into my highest available timeline in my true unconditional love relationship
Thank you for sharing your experiences… you said “ I may not be an expert , but this is my experience “ well I t gave me a new perspective 😊❤️ thank you !
Real Relationship means transparency and reciprocity,if not there is a red flag😅
🪶🪽we love you for who you are and your authenticity! Thank you for your readings I honestly look forward to your readings and your guidance every day!!❤
You are glowing! Energy is warm and inviting. Stay blessed