When they said international labor organization, i got chills. If there ever was a fight worth having, this is it.
Any person or organization with unchecked power abuses that power (Source: all of human history). Inevitably a bunch of serfs turn out to explain why the king is actually good. Their suffering is actually necessary. Some people can't imagine something better, so hopefully this documentary inspires a few people and we see this union grow.
There is no union when one side refuses to negotiate and are not forced to. We need stronger union protections which include enforcement
Solidarity with these workers! Don't cross the picket line, don't buy from Amazon during this strike.
Thank you for covering this. I appreciate journalistic integrity. I am a Union member and I am going to ask leadership to arrange a viewing party.
What an appropriate Christmas post!
And remember to boycott Whole Foods too. The workers are treated equally bad.
I stopped buying from amazon a long time ago. Apart from the poor worker treatment, they sell your personal info that your provide and the quality control is horrible.
I'm glad this video hasn't been taken down.
NO company that profits that kind of money should treat people like disposable bags. They should be required to provide medical, living wage for all full time workers and required to have 90% full time workers
Here's hoping Walmart is next. What a huge deal! Show Amazon we mean BUSINESS.
I think I'll suggest that Wolf-PAC ask to screen this film at our next workshop this summer and hopefully interview the people behind it.
Thank you for sharing this film with your audience and for hosting these important conversations!
I worked at an Amazon warehouse 5 years ago and boy am I glad I'm not there anymore. They don't care about employees especially with safety!!!!
Have a feeling no one will carry it cause most all streaming services have a bundle option with Amazon. So everyone has a contract. So, the only way to push it is to think back to film creators before the digital age and push it that way. The biggest shame of all of this and I can tell it's the business model that the people hurt by this are the workers and the small business sellers on Amazon. If we all stopped using Amazon, bezos would still be rich, and so would the executives that created the problem. Heck, i remember how many people flocked to Amazon when they opened in Richmond because of pay and benefits. Shortly after hearing the horror stories and yet they continued to grow. I have no clue what the future will hold, but as long as we have to pinch pennies, to busy or too lazy to go to a store, this business model is here to stay. When the people at the top see Amazon falling apart, they can just cut ties, and another business model will take its place. Watched it happen plenty, and I hope there is a way to stop it.
Went out and bought the documentary after seeing this. Up the unions!
The amazon strikers are absolute legends 👏
Remember divided we beg, united we bargain
Thanks for the xmas gift Adam! A great show with some great news AND another great doc to watch!!!