
Thanks for watching everyone! Full video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_K-1MNj9Bw


"Don't blow up my GoPro, please."
GoPro: immediately blows up


The GoPro didn't blow up but the screen might be cracked 😂😂


that go pro is stronger than my will to live


Great shot ! Happy Halloween  🎃


Awesome Channel!


The sound of the explosive sounded exactly like the crack of a HALO sniper rifle


Great video


Nice shot


Proof positive, since time immortal, 💥HITS COUNT💥


He’s definitely shooting another gun at closer range in the other shot


"Don't blow up my GoPro please"
Me: what GoPro??? (Looks around for GoPro)🤦


Did bro shoot a smoke grenade cause that thing smoked! 😩


How’s the gopro