
Deep appreciation for your recent video, your commitment to excellence is truly admirable.


Would prefer flat foot shoes for lifting. If you do go with elevated heel shoes, don’t neglect your ankles dorsi flexion (ability to flex toes up closer to shin), because you want to improve the root issue too if your heel comes off the ground in a squat (which for me was poor ankle dorsi flexion).

Hope this makes sense sorry.


Thanks for sharing! Tbh I had no idea there were separate shoes for weight lifting (I’m a beginner don’t come at me hahaha) 😅😅


I just got barefoot or with socks (at the gym) when I lift…after doing this, I can never go back to shoes 😂😅


Could you do what I eat on a week??? I would love to get some ideas :) thanks for all your work


And there’s me: who uses one pair of trainers until their dead and refuses to buy another one until the sole literally comes off :)


fr fr i can’t lift in running shoes at all, i feel completely off balance and the weight just doesn’t move right😕 also for pilates/yoga/etc consider toe socks, they look wacky but don’t slide around like regular socks do


Can you list the shoes in this vid?


Really beautiful


Weightlifting shoes suck for running and walking though and i don’t like switching shoes for cardio 😂


What happens if you run with more flat shoes or weight lift with more bouncy shoes?


Thank you


Except i have tendonitis and i need a stability shoe even for runs


What kind of shoes would you recommend for a Barry’s Bootcamp or Orange Theory class? Sorry if you’ve talked about it before, I’m new to your channel!


I thought you were going to go down the bullshit train but an actuality you actually gave good advice.


What are those weightlifting shoes?


Running shoes should also have a nice wide toebox so your feet can properly splay when you run😢


I just lift in my socks. Havent gotten yelled at yet 😅


Are there any shoes I can wear both for treadmill and weightlifting?