i gotta say fob heavy lascannon feels really good in this detachment
Solution for the Kasrkin detachment: Use the Bridgehead Strike detachmemt, but just like if you have a tempestus unit as your warlord, it lets you take scions as battleline, if you have a cadian as a warlord, you can take kasrkin as battleline in bridgehead strike.
Reporting for duty , sir o7 o7 @Cosmic Drew
I found your channel through a previous pure infantry tournament report and I'm looking forward to the new pure infantry report O7 to Drew
Cosmic Drew pays his Tithes! o7
I was wondering why there were no heavy weapon teams in this list. I almost expected 27 of em :_Based: PS: o7 to Cosmic
Heads up on the commissar, it's ability can be activated at the start of any phase so you wouldn't ever use it in command phase. Still great for getting plus one to hit for Kriegers though :_Salute:7
:_Salute: cosmic Nice list! I’m interested on how it went.
o7 @Cosmic Drew
Cosmic Drew, you are a gentleman and a scholar. 07
Leman Russes could be one-shot by a single weapon from at least 2nd edition. Except maybe 6th (you say D weapons in 7th) but I can’t remember if it was 6 or 7 Ed when Hull Points became a thing. Vehicles in general (with a few exceptions) were always high risk high reward up until 8th when they essentially got the Monstrous Creature treatment.
Cosmic Drew, we thank you for your service. You are an officer and a gentleman. o7
Love it! Why recon detachment? I'm torn between recon and siege regiment for my horde guard. Recon seems more durable but seige has more damage potential i think. Also, how are you dealing with T9 and above? O7 :)
I love this list and style of play, i do love heavy weapon teams, so wipl always recommend them. I run a 20 cadian unit with a castellan and a heavy weapon team, i act as if they were 1 unit.
O7 Cosmic
You should build a subscriber army, give everyone a paint scheme and get everyone to send you 1 guy. You'll have a new painted army in no time 😂👌🏻
07, I salute you sir!
i really love the infantry options with the new codex, but i dread to take it to a tournament just for the logistics man! me and my boys also go to tournaments for the good times and have a beer etc. and it really leaves little time for that with this kind of army. but great respect mordian for doing it like a boss once again! :_Salute:
“Why pay for tanks if they are just going to die” brings 200 squishy infantryman instead I cannot find any gap in this logic (jk jk I love it)