
Nicolas the goat ❀ Can u pin ??


I love these five minute videos! Keep up the great work!!


Most underrated youtuber tbh. The quality is absurdly good.


But does it work for colonoscopy?


That dude skating catches every flip perfectly on the trucks hes glued to the board..much skill


Your videos are always very entertaining, and this camera is definitely on my wishlist πŸ‘πŸΎ


Keep up the great work Nicolas!!!!


This deserves more views. I have started my journey in filmmaking and on the way to a pretty decent future. Your videos are great! Btw I’m also a fellow Australian


4 stars for the cycling content, plus 1 star for the Spider-man helmet! 5 Stars.


Those skateboard shots are amazing


What camera did you use in the video?


skateboard one was my fav!


that camera is dope


That's a Unice ThumnailπŸ˜‡πŸ™‚πŸ˜€πŸ˜€


Tested or Tasted a mini camera. (Thumbnail)




great video man!


can you make a video on the  x3 its a 360 action camera


what microphone does he use ?