It's been years since I have been able to sit in my dining room with the windows open. The squirrels had me terrified, but not anymore. Thank you for peace, my friend. 😊
Squirrels making noise inside my walls all morning, couldn’t stand it any longer. I found this while searching and gave it a try; no joke, 15 minutes in and not a single sound from them. Truly works! Thank you for helping me keep my sanity! :-)
Funny thing...I played this for the first time and didn't hear a thing. I turned up my speakers to full and still didn't hear much. I am 53 years old. Within 10 seconds my 17-year old daughter bursts out of her bedroom and yells, "What is that high pitched noise?" I guess it works on teenagers as well as squirrels. We are looking at an outdoor speaker setup as we currently have to play this sound out of our bedroom window to get the squirrels of the roof. Works great though. Thanks!
I have 2 of these videos that I turn on in the evening just as it's starting to get dark. There's a squirrel that has somehow found a way into my attic. It doesn't hang around long. I'm so grateful that the creator of the video doesn't have ads in the middle, as I crank up the sound full blast on both my TV and laptop! I do let the ads play out at the beginning and end, in case that gets the creator any cash!!
This really works! I have many squirrels, raccoons and Opossums constantly chewing on my house trying to get in. They have sometimes succeeded. I could hear a squirrel scratching and tried this just out of desperation. I couldn't hear the video while it played but the scratching ended almost immediately. I let the video run all the way through. Later in the day, I heard the scratching again and discovered the video had ended. I started it again and again the scratching ended almost immediately. I never believed it could work but it does keep pests away. Thank you.
Best repellent ever! I live in a country town, so mice are a problem. There were about 3 or 4 mice in the house, and as soon as I put this on, they exited quickly. I play this constantly, and so far, so good! Thank you so much!!!
It took not even 2 mins and the constant scratching stopped! You’re a blessing 😮❤
This video really WORKS. I'm dealing with an infestation and they come and GO within a few minutes!! I have been using this video on a loop all night for the past few days!! All the scratching in my walls and ceilings has ceased!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!
I was banging on the wall on and off for an hour, trying to get this squirrel to stop scratching in the wall so I could sleep—no luck. I turned this on, and it started scratching frantically (I assume it was hustling to get out), then silence!! Thank you SO much for this!
Okay. I have been using this for four days. I do believe I had union-grade pests living in between walls. Literally sounded like they were chewing through the joists and nipping at the drywall. I play this and their whole worksite gets quiet. Thank you. I thank the Lord for you. 🎉
I totally thought this was another hoax but I was willing to try as I also tried so many others. After playing it for about five minutes I could here the squirrels rushing to leave out of the attic. It's been dead silent since. This really does work.
The squirrels were having Sunday Night Smackdown in my roof. Haven't heard a peep since playing this. Totally works!!
I remember in the 80’s my dad bought a green-topped contraption that made a similar sound off an infomercial, probably for three easy payments 😂. This is way better and I didn’t have to pay shipping and “handling”! Thank you!
This hurts my ears terribly but it made whatever tried to get in my walls go away. So thank you!
Sunday night, I heard scratching in my wall. The pest control guy said he couldn't get to me for a couple of days. I found this Monday night, played it on every device (laptops, cell phones, bluetooth speakers, etc.). The scratching I heard in the walls and the movement in my attic ended within minutes and hasn't returned. Just to be super safe, I play the devices every other night, especially when the temps outside drop. THIS WORKS! Thank you so much! And I will tell my pest control guy not to bother. All is well here and so is my wallet!
This is the only one that works on YouTube. Thank you. Finally, peace and quiet!!!
I may be Deaf, but I don't like the smell of mice droppings everywhere in the house so I thought I could find something that will help keeping them away at least & right now, by the looks of it, seems like it is working now, thank you so much.
Played this tonight and in about 30 minutes in, my wife ran out the house to sleep in the car... time to get some much needed rest .... thank you for posting this 👍🏽
This legit works! 15 minutes they get quiet... only problem... I can hear it partly too