
I never doubted China's resolve or technical abilities, but that black monolith shocked me. I really appreciate the unexpected lighter side.


The monolith from 2001 A Space Odyssey! At 2:21 
I love the Chinese space program now!


China seems pretty serious about that. 
What a time to be alive.


@0:14 "in the same way that landing on the moon kicked off a space race in the 1960s". I think most would agree that sputnik hitting orbit was what kicked off the space race, and it was in the 50s.  Once American boots hit the lunar surface, that pretty much ended the space race.  The US kept it up for awhile, but the soviets were like "okay now that we're this far behind we're not interested anymore" and packed up.


The US won't have to bring food to Mars because they will be able to order out gor Chinese food


I think you're underestimating the comfiness of chinese martian outposts considering the difference bw the Tiangong vs the ISS's. The chinese station has a mich better menu and looks much cozier.


Cannot wait for this next age of space exploration, let's go go go!


wow, I am surprised they plan on going to Mars so quickly. Previously there goal was to get humans there by 2050.  This is a massively accelerated schedule.


The moon landings didn’t "kick off" the space race. Sputnik did that, followed by poor little Laika in orbit and then Yuri Gagarin.




Babylon 5 had the best description of Mars colony.

How was Mars?

Oh you know, cold dirty cramped so same old same old.


That's pronounced Utopia PLANEESHEA, and it's where the NCC-1701D Enterprise will be built lol


Just think what Humanity could do if all Countries just stopped all the hatred towards each other and came together in peace to accomplish this Mars Colonization together. Humanity could be there easily in a few years working together for the betterment of ALL Humanity.


Imagine a mars race ... China is now catching up fast ...


If you look at how capable their Unitree robots are--and the pace of AI advancement in general--I doubt they will need to send humans to Mars by the 2030's if human colonization as such is not a goal. Even now we've pretty much reached the point where the only reason to send humans to space is to send humans to space.


I doubt a permanent colony by any country will be achieved in my lifetime.


Loved the monolith touch. Great presentation and production.


This is another great video! New information that isn't being well covered by other space commentators !


There is an error in your view, Elon Must is an individual with a Space company, this is not the USA. China, is the country!  ...   ;-)
If the USA, through NASA wants to go to Mars, they'll have to buy some services or build something. The USA has SLS and its versions at the moment and no extended Mars program (yet).


I just always wondered how they will get all those building parts or modules to Mars.