
This is the best dnd campaign there is. Period.


The Duchess was clearly way bigger than ducks 😂


59:00 Wrath (and Joe) took it like a champ. Big respect 🤘


“Does my Strength of the Grave activate” yeah Sebastian you can probably make that DC805 Con save ahaha


I love jill's improv as a enthralled rudi during the end 😂


Oh my god. This episode was crazy. 
My heart was jumping out of my chest.


Loved that music with the reveal of all the tanks! That Sci-fi theme went perfect with this topic!


Phew!  If anyone ever needed evidence as to why PCs' need to keep playing up / including their backgrounds and character stories; instead of ignoring them to just roll dice. This episode committed to providing it. Well done team D. Dudes! Thank you very much for a terrific episode, after the short and learning the episode's title (from premiere notification) I got filled with dread and didn't know what to expect! (see below) lol  TYVM for this greatness! See you next week gang.


The only hope is the description under the video: "After a savage battle at the bottom of the ocean, the Duchess makes once last desperate strike against our heroes."


And they're gone, all gone, never to come back. We shall see, yes yes YYYEessss


The short was scary, but this title oh man.. Can't wait!


A double TPK would be a devastating end to so many years.....


I was behind by three weeks because of university stuff but holy, I'm glad I got to watch 97-99 back to back to back. Ate up my whole evening but I wouldn't spend it any other way. Greatest campaign ever


Monty, I can’t get over how well you balance each encounter.  You always manage to bring it to the edge of the cliff with the gang.  Well done, sir!  The doctor is always in!


"hell has no fury like a Rudi scorned"


I know the party is nearly at level 20, but it just seems like they still have a lot of powerful enemies to take on.


I’m going to have to rewatch this and hope I don’t cry like a baby again.


What a grand conclusion to the Duchess. At times it was breathtaking, you might say.
I also liked the determined new front to take on the final battle ahead, with all the twisting paths Monty has planned finally coming together.
Yes, yes, yes, that's gonna be good for sure.



That scene of Wrath walking up in the tank reminded me of BG2 when you wake up in Irenicus's dungeon at the start of the game.

Amazing episode, well done 👍


Ever since his father asked for his finger i have been waiting for this moment. Me obsessively learning every spell component of every spell has had me hanging every time wrath has endangered himself waiting for the pay-off. There were times I wondered if monty remembered...