14:53 I love how as SOON as Pangi said, "I haven't killed anyone yet," Rek made sure he had his axe ready. Always prepared to be jumped LMFAO
“Im worried what everyone will think of me..” cuts to everybody “ YEAHHHH REKRAP JOINED LETSGOOOOO “
For joining back that smp!
little does he know i went to spawn to build a road LOOLLLLLL (awesome video rek!! :D)
Jumper: Whats your most prized thing? Rekrap: Hovers over melons
I love how Parker says "Clownpierce check" when He is kinda paranoid
I remember now why Rek is always so hard to trap: he is so god damn paranoid
Jumper: Whats your most prized thing ever Rek: Moves melons farther into his inventory "Nothin"
I love the ClownPierce check, Rek is not Rek without his humor
I love how everyone gets scared as soon as clown joins
Rek, despite having not played lifesteal in what feels like forever, is showing just how ready he is for anything. He swaps his axe into his hotbar in seconds and constantly checks around himself. Rek is back on lifesteal
Rek: fearing for his life Everyone else: being wholesome and helpful
The clownpierce checks are HILARIOUS
0:03 Thank you Rekrap for creating the demonstration footage that gonna be used in another 50 upcoming videos from every Lifesteal Creators
Rek in a singleplayer world: "Clownpierce Check"
Clownpierce check every three minutes had me dying
why is jumper actually so wholesome? I love her energy