
Since he's covering Jojo villians, the question isn't if he would cover Funny Valentine, the question is how many times he would reference Senator Armstrong in that video.


Jojo 1-5 Villains in a Nutshell
Part 1: Meme Vampire
Part 2: Pillar Memes
Part 3: Meme Vampire 2
Part 4: Hand Fetish
Part 5: ANGRY


I think Jojo is like one of the few anime where they introduce a villain, and they instant become so iconic, they sometimes outshine the main protagonist.


kira is my favorite,  mostly since his "want to live a peaceful life" thing is so relatable, if it wasn't for his father feeding into his murderous lifestyle and everything(which lead to him being a murderer) he would've possibly been a good ally to josuke and the rest


Vento Aureo is a very symbologically loaded part and you can't do its thematics justice with only a few words: Many different characters spiral into their own arcs that are tied to the overarching themes, but what makes it all the more special is how these characters' arcs interact with one other.

To grossly oversimplify, though, it could be said that Vento Aureo is about self-acceptance, unwavering determination in the face of even inevitable destiny, and the extent of the power of the indomitable human spirit. It's a tale of Human V Destiny: How the human nature and our capacity to dream, love, and hold within ourselves an extraordinarily intense willpower can overcome even the inevitable forces of Destiny that work against us.

But for all that that's worth, though, you can't do that unless you're determined to. And you can't be determined to do any of that if you don't believe in yourself, if you don't love yourself: Someone who doesn't accept themselves and doesn't believe in themselves will falter and fail in the face of a challange such as breaking the order of Fate.

Across Vento Aureo much of the journeys of the gang focus on their own self-acceptance, and the power it unlocks within them: Narancia's betrayal of the Boss was only possible because of the love for himself that Bucciarati cultivated within him, Trish only unlocked her true potential after facing her fears and conquering her weaker self in the Notorious B.I.G. fight, etc.

But, on the other side of the picture, we have Diavolo.

Diavolo's actions aren't a result of him wanting to overcome himself. And never does he intend to overcome Destiny. No, Diavolo enforces Destiny, because Diavolo is Destiny. Destiny is always on Diavolo's side: That's a core concept of his character. He is the force of destiny, and we know that because even at the very end, even as Giorno unlocked Gold Experience Requiem and the power of the Removal of Effect, Epitaph still foretold Giorno's death. Epitaph's predictions are always right: It's the force of destiny. And what we see through Epitaph is Diavolo's victory. Destiny still on the side of Diavolo to the very last moment. It was only through the combined dreams and willpowers of the whole gang, manifested in the Arrow that was delivered to Giorno and in Gold Experience Requiem's power to overcome even the inevitable forces of destiny, that Diavolo could finally be defeated.

But it doesn't end there: Before this battle, what was Diavolo even trying to do? With his concealment, with his erasure of every trace if his identity? With his desire to kill Trish?

The whole time, Diavolo was fleeing from his past. He was fleeing from his identity. Diavolo's entire character revolves around this obsession with erasing and destroying his past so that it may never come to haunt him: That's why he kept trying to hide, and destroy his identity, and even kill Trish, the only link to his past that was still around after his crusade against himself

Now, flashback to earlier in this comment: The gang spent their whole journey conquering themselves, facing their pasts, accepting themselves, because that's the foundation for the power of Human Resolve: Self-acceptance. Self-love. Diavolo, though, rejected himself: He spent his whole life trying to get rid of his past, ensuring none of it could ever come back to haunt him ever again: He ignored the truth of the world, avoided it altogether in his attempt to be perfect in his eyes. And that led to his defeat.

Remember what Giorno said immediatelly after unlocking GER? "The only thing that will survive is the truth of this world. Righteous actions born of truth shall never be destroyed". This is what he was talking about: That which is done whole-heartedly, abiding by the truth of who and what you are, will never be destroyed, even if you die: Bucciarati, Narancia, Abbachio, they may have all died, but what they did, they did from the bottom of their hearts, respecting and never straying from their flawed human nature. And it was their acceptance of their flaws, their respect for their past failures, that made their actions result in the victory of Giorno. But Diavolo? Diavolo spent his entire life running from himself, rejecting himself: He spent his whole life rejecting his past failures and his flawed human nature, and thus his actions were not born of truth. That is why he failed: Because even if Destiny is by your side, even if you embody the forces of Fate, even if the world itself chooses you to stand tall above all others, nothing can win against the force of the indomitable human spirit.

It goes even farther: For example, Diavolo, to enforce his control over the gang, to enforce his reign of terror, he enforced precisely that: Terror.

Diavolo spent his time as head of Passione enforcing stagnation and repetition. When Diavolo was boss, he kept the exact same status quo in place for as long as he could: A secret identity, a very specific way of operating, and a reign of terror over Passione. You can even find this reflected in Bucciarati's character: When Bucciarati died, he told Giorno that "his soul had been fated to slowly die, but it was reborn" when he met Giorno.

His soul had been fated to die (literally: Rolling Stones foretold Bucciarati's death in Venice until Mista broke fate with his resolve, but that's another even longer story) because he was too terrified of the prospect of rebellion against the Boss to actually do anything about the drug trade he despised. He, along with everyone in the gang, hated the way Passione was running things, but none dared to do anything about it. They were doomed to repeat that cycle of endless dismay and inaction forever. Diavolo's law of repetition seeping into their very souls.

That is, until Giorno came along. Giorno may not be a leader: That role was Bucciarati's. But what Giorno was is the spark that lit their flaming hearts.

Giorno's character is centered around innovation, rebellion, and revolt against the status quo: He also hated the drug trade (to children at least), but whereas the gang was too terrified to do anything, Giorno planned to face it head on, no matter what. Why Giorno was capable of this is down to his inheritance and the fact that he was a child of both Dio and Johnathan, but the fact of the matter is, he was, and he did.

And Giorno's unwavering resolve was what brought the gang on their journey: It was Giorno who lit the spark of hope of willpower within Bucciarati. It was Giorno who inspired Bucciarati's decaying soul to take a stand against Diavolo. It was Giorno who tied the resolves of the entire gang together: It was Giorno who awoke the Sleeping Slaves of the gang, and brought them to break Fate.

Giorno and Diavolo share a duality in that Giorno is the embodiment of change and rebellion, whereas Diavolo is the embodiment of stagnation and repetition. Diavolo's insidious hand was withering the souls of the gang away, and only Giorno's nature as an indomitable force of rebellion could change that.


Kira: Bombastic click
Dio: wryyy I'm Dracula and GOD
Diavolo: I'm the Boss and the DEVIL


so araki was going to write in a kira backstory with his mother being abusive towards him however araki didn't to avoid making kira to sympathetic


Still amazes me that Diavolo would want to even build a criminal empire to begin with.  great video as always.


5:46 wesker-"i have big balls!" Truly inspired words (so beautiful)


I personally adore Pucci. Never actually thought I'd like him as much as I do, but he single-handedly made part 6 my favorite part.


The part that made Kira my favorite villain of all time is that not only was he terrifying but could also be real. Yes, obviously having stands and stealing someones face and slipping into their family isn't real, but a serial killer could secretly be lurking in your quiet little town. He feels threatening not only to the characters within the show, but also to you in real life. There could be a Yoshikage Kira living in the house just next door and you would never know.


I sometimes ask myself who is the better villain? Dio or Yoshigake Kira?

Dio is an Icon, a villain that learns from his experiences and even in death, his legacy lives on.

Yoshigake kira on the other hand is one of the most realistic villains in fiction and easily feels like the hero of his own story.


Ok just gotta say you know Kira was an awesome villain/character when his famous monolog followed by Killer Queens click gets you hype


And then Diavolo said "What the gyatt!?" Before he was executed via firing squad



No worries dude. I hope you get back in the groove of things. I love these analysis videos


I’m sorry to hear you got hacked, I would be devastated if your channel was taken down because I really like your content.


Oh-Ho-Ho... you are approaching me?


I love your Villains Done Right series. Hope to see more of them!


I wonder. What would happen if we subjected Kira, DIO, and Diavolo to a teleporter accident like the Fly. 

What would the resulting fusion’s stand be?


this is my description for vilains
Part 1 - Dio Brando( the most iconic)
Kars - ( the strongest(without a stand) and most ancient)
Part 3 - DIO(even more iconic and powerful/ most memeable)
Yoshikage Kira(most disturbing and realistic)
Diavolo( the darkest and most mysterious)
Pucci(most successful and most ambitious)
Funny Valentine (most political and well intentioned)
Tooru( THE most dangerous and even more mysterious)
