Petition to call the food heisters the "hot tub crime machines"
The High Stakes Jacuza
Donald, If you read these I need an episode on how brandon and dan feel about vision of the artist vs ownership of the art. Do owners have a right to filter movies, books, paintings to their liking or does the artists vision need to be maintained? How does censorship fall into this? Are there inherently dangerous ideas to certain or even general audiences?
"Missed Steak 'n' Identity" as they made the fake name. Or "Hot Tub Crime Machine"
How Brandon approached the first five Stormlight books mirrors the Harry Potter series: Book 1: "solid" Book 2: "book 1 but better" Book 3: "break the ending so you can't anticipate what you're anticipating" Book 4: "everything is out the window" Book 5: "change the narrative style to make you uncomfortable"
The US Navy used to require the use of courier font because in the days of early computer encryption it was easier to break the encryption for documents that did not have uniform spacing for all letters. For example, you could tell where the eyes were because they were smaller than all the other letters in a document.
Look, Thom, Moiraine, Loial and Mat are all great answers for a coffee date, but real ones know the REAL answer is jain farstrider. Been almost everywhere, done almost everything, wrote a book so popular that everyone knows his name in his time. Imagine what he could tell you about that world that no one else could.
Donald is the man. We need more love for Donald
Feel like a missed point regarding WoR in both explanations from Brandon is the incredibly fun payoff of all these characters we got to know independently in WoK having the opportunity to blend and crash together in WoR. The romance of Shallan and Adolin, the initial conflict between Adolin and Kaladin, the conflicting honor of Kaladin and Dalinar. I feel like this kind of payoff wasn't their at all in WoK, so WoR doesn't magnify that feeling but instead introduces it.
I like the name the Turf n surfers for our heist this week
When Dan said “somebody is planning a rager of a backyard party “ …. 😂
Is there flaws in art? I think there is and here is why i think so. In its core concept, every piece of art has two things: 1. An idea 2. Its execution In my opinion, an idea cant be flawed. An idea just is something, that desires to be executed. The execution on the other hand CAN be flawed. If the idea was to build a plane without wings and you then continue to build a plane with wings, what you created is flawed from an artistic standpoint. I can stretch this argument over to art, where it makes even more sense for me personally. If the bookidea is a male feminist that cant find love and instead one writes about a mysogonistic character that wont find love, i will consider this peace flawed, because the mistakes made when executing the idea do not represent the core idea anylonger. Now as a reader its not always easy to tell if the author just didnt have the skill to execute their idea or if the idea never resonated with me in the first place.
The vibe of book 5 makes a lot of sense with Brandon's description of it
"I'm predictably contrarian. I won't argue with that." -Dan Wells
Thom Merrilin is a good choice for most interesting man, but don't forget Jain Farstrider! If there's anyone who has traveled more widely and done more interesting things it's Jain Farstrider.
Whoa, you read my comment! And got my name more or less right.
I think book reviews (as well as plain star-ratings) can broadly be split into 4 categories: 1. Reviews to inform other potential readers about the book to see if they might like it. 2. Reviews to exchange thoughts about the book with others that have already read it as well. 3. Feedback to the author. 4. Expressing the personal experience of reading the book more as a way of processing and reflecting. Most reviews are not strictly only one of these but almost all of them are focused on one much more than the other three. Having read a lot of reviews (and books) I have the impression that most review writers are not even aware they are making this choice. They just happen to write with one focus or another. I think the review process could be improved a lot by being deliberate about these choices and by review system features to group reviews into 1 or more of these categories. I think by handling the average of these categries separately you probably would be able to extract a much better signal just from the ratings alone.
For the food heist, they're clearly the Cookout Crooks!
For next Q&A video, (first, Hi Donald!!) could Brandon and Dan spend an episode outlining a food heist story—or any story—as if y’all were cowriting it. I would love to see some of the weird y’all make in action!🤣 I’m also curious about cowriting and how that looks BTS!