
LaD making a better pokemon than Nintendo


The man the myth the legend of JRPG guides blessed us again with a clear, consice, and well written guide/videos. oh and thanks man


This class REALLY needs job levels. It might be Ichibans best Dondoko Laser spam class though, need to check Magic stat at 99 vs Host with +50 weapon.


The king has returned! I enjoyed your Yakuza: Like A Dragon job guide videos. Hopefully we get a best job for each character type of video on Infinite Wealth from you. Keep up the good work! 😄


Save scumming is a life saver whilst looking for those early Kiwami


I hope Sega makes a standalone Sujimon game someday.


The return of the king


We would love to see the best jobs for each character please, you da best


I was hoping you would cover this game! I discovered your channel when you posted job videos on the First Like A Dragon, and that got me to try the game. Looking forward to guides for all jobs in this game as well 😃


I completely missed the Sujimon equip function when. I unlocked the job. No wonder I just get generic Sujimon that aren't even real ones when I summon lol. I'm blind as a bat. Thanks for this!


for sujimon i got lucky pulling a violet Kiwami, and i could just stop caring about type coverage in general since the dark typing and absolute beast attack of that sujimon just 1 or 2 shotted everything, focused on getting a couple speedy sujimon as support and i can just spam attack.
point is, type coverage matters a whole lot less if you can get a dark or light sujimon since they are always neutral, and them being super effective feels like a nice bonus if you happen to have a particularly strong one




Aww yeah i was waiting on these


I got all the kiwami Souji on and my sujimancer is insanely powerful


W from Twitch!  Need the goated Don Doko Island Guide!!!


Please do more videos for this game, idk why nobody did and i loved your videos on Yakuza 7!


Hey dude, I remember for the last game (Yakuza 7 or like a dragon) you helped me so much with money grinding. I wondering if you can do the same thing with the Dondoko island. You explain it so thoroughly but yet so simple at the same time.


Good to have you back on this game.  Will you be making a best jobs for every character video like you did for the previous game?  It was very informative the last time around 😊


Are you going to do classes and more videos on this game like you did the last? Be awesome to get more in depth videos on stuff like that


I would use all of the kiwami sujimons.