
At 2300.00 I'm out,  I just don't have the budget.  I did get an Axis in 22-250 and I did a little trigger work then later added a Boyd's thumb hole stock. It also has a 24" heavy barrel.  It shoots sub minute but I'm still playing with it. And even with the Boyd's stock I'm below 600.00.


Oh wow this is the first time hearing about a savage PPR. I've been a big fan of savage rifles and ii will have to do a little more research on this.  Thanks love the video.


I respect you for testing and using some of the more affordable rifles. I would like to see you try out some of the budget score like Barska and some of the walmart scopes. Most can't afford to invest alot in their scope. Nothing at all wrong with the people who can having nice scopes. But in my area most hunters consider a 99 dollar scope expensive. Keep Up the great videos. When you get ready come to my blind in arkansas 1 mile of open fields in every direction right on the mississippi river bottom.


Another awesome grouping Adam πŸ‘‰πŸŽ―.  Beautiful Savage 😍.  
Love those Savages πŸ’›πŸ‘.
Cheers from πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ™.


Love mine in 338 lp mag . Did 1/2 moa at 100 with 250 grain hornady factory load. Love it . Can’t wait to try 300 grain.


Savage makes a 110 ultra light with a Proof Research barrel and it shoots amazing and I got mine for around $1,000.00.


Dang man , Tennessee sure has changed since I was there πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†


Grayboe needs to make their Eagle and Trekker stocks for Savage short action. They're awesome!


Since when did 1.25 inch groups become acceptable, for a $2000+ rifle?


Love the last second video ideas


Looking forward to tonight’s show keep the videos coming.


That one did good groups too.


I always end up singing the outro!! Nice rifle and all, but all the synthetic stocks look the same to me. The Savage rifles you shoot that are budget friendly seem just as nice and shoot lights out. So if that is a 3thousand dollar rifle I couldn't tell looking at it.

I hope that nice wood stocks and fancy engraving come back in style. If that gun is 3k, then I couldn't imagine what a beautiful Savage would cost.

Nice shooting


Pretty good looking rifle


Super cool


Got mine coming this week in 270 win.


Most likely you know already but on the stinger rest there's a fine-tune adjustment underneath the buttstock I use the same one I didn't even know it was down there until after about 3 months of using it


Nice one matey xden


πŸ‘savage always shoot great


I have a Savage 110 Magpul Hunter 6.5 Creedmoor. Biggest handicap is the short barrel at 18" I can't get the velocity even handloading. Accuracy with 142 grain SMK's is under half moa for five shots at 100 yards. I haven't found any bullet it doesn't shoot well even Swift Scirocco's. It was under 1000 dollars new I have seen them for less than I paid. A barrel swap wouldn't be out of the question plenty of pre fits out there I have one Savage with a McGowan barrel in it.