Liger calling Lynix a "Weird guy" while looking like a budget comedy movie kidnapper.
Why is doni probably the most fun minecraft youtuber to watch when he uploads and don't get me started on how fun 1 hour or longer doni videos are.
Doni:basically adding mods😈 Liger and Lynix:still watching the sheep thing🤯😏
Doni: throws boots into lava, easily replaceable Liger: has a mental breakdown
Doni: "So guys look, can I be a part of your team now that I've teached you about 1.20?" Liger and Lynix simultaneously: "No" And we wonder why Doni is a menace to society.
I love how donis been playing minecraft since the beginning of time and he still gets the names of the mobs wrong
Someone needs to animate Lynix and Liger arguing about why the milk is blue while Doni's just eating all kinds of weird stuff in front of them... XD
The DR Doni explaining to Doni Bobes about wind chimes had transparent eyes that allow us to see the Minecraft background, very cool (finally edited this comment because I was getting comments criticizing me.)
Liger calling Lynic a " Weird guy " While Liger is also a Weird guy because of this 7:07
2 things: 1. Lynix saying he met 5 Ligers was miscounting. bro met 10 at least 2. I'd love to see a "trolling by not trolling" video where you actually just play survival with your friends. maybe leave them for 5 minutes randomly and come back like nothing happened, because nothing did happen. one possible variant being someone else spends the whole time setting up an actual troll, and when the troll goes off you're completely innocent
Love it when hes introducing the mod and his eyes get green screened.
Liger just randomly yelling in german got me good.
22:41 my bro said all or nothing 😂
Ligers mental breakdown at the end really shows how clinically insane this guy is 😂
I’ve been watching doni for a awhile man’s never lets me down w laughs 😂
Doni's eyes on the explanation of the wind chimes, show a whole new reality. 😮
I think that because of Liger’s slow descent into madness he will soon get a villain arc. He will try to take over Doni’s channel and the server making everyone his servants. 😂😂😂
Liger was true when he was telling you about how you start your videos like ‘IN THIS VIDEO’ 33:01 😂