
I did appreciate the commentary. Hearing your reasoning behind certain choices was informative, especially explaining why stun makes the boomstick a generally more effective choice than the zhukov.


That is very impressive. I enjoyed the commentary.


Well played. You don’t have to wait for molly though, you can get trough drop pod textures by standing on a gate (under hole for the mule) and rapidly pressing right and jump buttons. Could be tricky sometimes but allows you to save minutes as a scout.


Love any content that analyzes what choices skilled players make during their dives, greatly enjoyed.


Genuinely incredible to watch and loved the commentary! Love to see these types of videos


Why 40 or 60 resupplies don't need justification:

0) Nobody has the right to gatekeep what other players find fun

1) It's still (way tf) harder than anything you'll find in base game, and for some folks that's fun

2) There are a bunch of variables that contribute to DRG's difficulty (to name a few: enemy [(quantity x attack power x health amount x their resistances) x (for each type of enemy) x spawn timer], starting resources, resupp cost, mission objective (types x amounts), biome (as a function of cave gen type), gear loadout, and nitra availability. I'm sure there are others.

Being able to turn multiple dials up and down is friggin' cool, and allows a player to challenge themselves in specific ways. For instance:

i) they can define any combination of specific goals: no-hit, no damage, speed, max kills, 100% objectives, win rate over x missions, etc.

ii) against a defined adversity: amount of RNG (i.e. how depedent you are on RNG starting nitra etc.) with or without bosco, with or without team mates, using a meta optimized loadout, rng loadouts, certified dogshit loadouts, any of the variables listed in point #2 above

iii) enjoy the rewards of ("None of your damn business, let people have fun", pride in overcoming a specific weakness in your play, uniqueness, engaging in friendly, difficult and meaningful competition against self and others, ability to create elite tournaments.

Lowering resupply cost tweaks but one dial. The result is a lower variability for a thing that a player isn't trying to test/enjoy themselves against. It lowers standard deviation, and other tweaks may or may not make 'overall difficulty' higher. 

Ultimately, the answer is "let people play in their friggin' sandbox" and the bonus lesson is "we can all use a bit more jazz in our life".


love the music in these videos


Maybe im dumb, but x2 enemies just calls for 1/2 cost resupplies, it just sounds logical
and that's your "i want more commentary" comment


keep being awesome, waste! rock and stone!


While vanilla 5 certain plays easier than 6x2 i don't think that's a bad thing in terms of what speedplay is about.
Not to split hairs but what you're doing here is a spitting image of brick and mortar speedrunning rather than speed play.
Let me explain myself before you roll your eyes haha. Speedrunning is what you're doing here, clear the main objective and leave the mission as fast as possible.

Speedplay is closer to what normal gameplay looks like, hitting all the major items. Crafting minerals, secondary objectives, machine events etc. 
Lemme be clear that im sure you're capable of doing these things on 6x2 if you really wanted to, 
but obviously it's exponentially harder for you to stop and beat on those ebonuts than it is for me on normal 5. 
Speedplay isn't about clearing 200 morkite in X time, or 2 dreads in X time. It's about reacting to what happens in a mission and what you have 
presented to you. You still do machine events and secondary objectives while doing speedplay, you'll just be fighting a dread or starting the refinery at the same time XD.

Yes there are certain brackets of time that you aim for when playing fast, but im not skipping a trit or a korlok to make a sub 10 minute mission happen you know? 
It's only after a mission wraps that i can say "damn we did 325 morkite, an OMEN, a korlok and a meteor in 19 minutes" and THATS what keeps speedplay fresh. 
Never really going into a mission with a hard time in mind for what's good or bad, just reacting and optimizing the macro game to do everything as fast as possible.

Obviously you don't have to do EVERYTHING,  i don't mine gold or do data deposits, but more that the bare minimum is what sets the two apart in my mind.
Maybe you know all this already maybe you don't, but what keeps me on 5 is the equilibrium between control what's going on in the mission as well as fighting.
Combat is fun, but if i don't have the breathing room to do anything but mine 200 morkite, that's a lil too much of a good thing you know? 
That's probably somewhere where we can agree to disagree, but air juggling gems is just as much fun for me as fighting a swarm haha.
Good run homie, keep up the good work <3  


love the commentary


speedplay is so much different on 6x2, it looks quite fun. i've only done it on hazard 5, which has gotten pretty boring.




Why does it feels you get WAY more naedocytes breeders? In every single true solo gameplay I've watch of yours yet, there always was one or two breeders, while they are very rare in my games. Is it because of haz6?


a watchable solo? no way


No resupply runs should be known as Karl%


Hello, I would like more commentary to compliment my like and subscribe meal deal


6x2 is not that much harder because you get 40 nitra resupplies


i stick to haz 4 and 5, you can keep your 6.