
I've never seen something escalate so quickly so slowly


The airpod can drive but gavin can not 😂


Usually the Slow Mo videos don't have a specific narrative, this is hilarious


That escalated slowly


Slow Mo Guys comedy sketches are something we absolutely need


Ok the van door opening and it sailing so gracefully over the seat was gold


He's off to start a new family


At least you filmed it, mine disappeared instantly


The narrative of the air pod and it's quest for freedom is inspiring.


Beautiful. I shed a tear of joy for the little pod, breaking free, going off on an adventure into the big wide world. So many sights to see, sounds to be heard, fresh pastures to be grazed and roamed. :') <3


now THIS is "pod" racing XD XD


Chef's kiss on the song choice!🤣


Finally being set free, Righty left and started a new life. He traveled and saw all the wonders off the world and found love along the way. He had 2nd and 3rd generation airpods and died peacefully as his LiIon battery finally gave out, surrounded by his family. They keep him forever in their bluetooth memory


I love how much more hilarious it gets with every scene


Being easily lost is a design feature.


This is pure art at its finest! Bravo Dan and Gav


i think you should make more of these, you have good humor :)


LMAO I'm liking this new comedic approach to your slowmo videos, this is amazing 😂 And so relatable...


fr though, stuff you drop always ends up WAYY further than you thought it could possibly have gone


Absolutely the most relatable yet funny thing I've seen in a lot 😂😂😂, I love it