I have a few questions, John. 1. Why was this interview not released while RFK was a running candidate? 2. If the interview was filmed before Biden dropped out (more than a month ago, but we don't know how much more) then why not offer us a fact check not just on every claim RFK made - but also on your own claims he offered rebuttal to? 3. What is the standard of response that would not qualify as "getting into the weeds" while simultaneously offering a comprehensive response? 4. There is a heavy implication in your closing remarks on the length of the interview, that the time allotted by RFK for the interview was an obfuscation tactic used by RFK to limit the thoroughness of your interview. Was this the intent of your statement? If time was the limiting factor for providing us with good information and is of enough value to make this critique, then as asked in (2.) why did you not make better use of the greater than month's time to fact check more of the talking points? I assume you wanted more time for the interview, so is it not fair to ask of you what you did with the intervening time since the interview? I'll keep it simple in conclusion; the timing for the release of this interview in combination with the remarks on "getting into the weeds" and limited time for the interview makes it feel like this was very purposefully timed for release to undermine RFK's endorsement of Trump. Had you released this interview a week or two prior to this the endorsement I would not have the same doubts as to your intentions within this interview. The adversarial nature of your questioning is not something I have a problem with because that serves to test truth, but this is the first time I've had more cause to have questions over the process than the subject. Here's hoping that you take this adversarial questioning in the same good faith that you hope for your adversarial questioning to be accepted in.
Stossel shows a graph of people living longer but ignores that we spend half our lives with chronic disease that our parents didn't have. 2 generations ago people could walk, talk and do everything up until the day they died. Today your average 60+ year old has dementia, can't walk, is on 20 different medications to try to keep their heart going and even worse half the children in America today have obesity when sub 1% had it 50 years ago. How can you say this is just Americans decided to get lazy? Its so obviously the food supply, namely HFCS, seed oils and all the other additives we put in food to make it sit on a shelf for 8 months before we eat it. The government was complicit in this act and subsidized the corn industry, making HFCS ubiquitous in our food supply and simultaneously told us animal fat was bad for us and started feeding us seed oils which were developed to lube up tanks in war not for human consumption.
If vaccines are so incredibly safe why not remove the exemption from lawsuits they receive from the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act? If free markets are important then allow the consumers to make their own cost/benefit decisions and eliminate mandatory vaccinations?
He just endorsed Trump Edit: glad to see most people like this.
In support of what RFK Jr is explaining and in response to the so called fact checking at the end. The questions we should be asking ourselves are: Are all vaccines being sold necessary? Are they being properly tested, and are the peer reviewed medical journal's UNBIASED, or are these medical professionals being influenced by the same people profiting off the vaccines, and medicines that we wouldn't otherwise need if the food supply wasn't garbage.
I like some things RFK said but the Democrat machine totally silenced him heck they wouldn't even give him secret service protection hoping someone would kill him.
How could anyone deny that this guy is so much more suited to be POTUS than Kamala - they not even in the same universe when it comes to Geopolitical knowledge and understanding.
It seems like RFK Jr takes the most hits and confrontational questions in his interviews and he continues to remain calm and unperturbed while spouting his data. I really admire that about him.
John stossel I know you are being tough on purpose but it comes across dismissive, sarcastic and disrespectful. It’s hard to watch.
Good hard hitting interview. It’s pretty clear that John doesn’t believe in RFK jr. However, find me another presidential candidate that answers all of the hard questions without dodging and lying. RFK Jr. is the most authentic candidate of my lifetime. He is also the only one willing to question the sacred cows.
I wish he was still running!!! I always vote republican but was ready to vote for him!! I’m so glad he’s being honest about chronic illness!!! This country is prolonging our lives but keeping us sick = $$$. Please RFK Jr please continue to fight against chronic disease!!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
The number of COVID deaths in the US was artificially inflated because hospitals got more $ from a COVID death than a non-COVID one, so deaths were counted as COVID deaths not only if they died FROM COVID, but also if they died WITH COVID.
This is the best interview of Bobby I've ever seen, " And John, RFK Jr is still a candidate! "
John Stossel needs to interview Kamala Harris.
Vote Trump in battleground states. Vote Kennedy everywhere else 🇺🇸
His stats about chronic disease is terrifying
Stossel needs to address why new born infants need hepatitis vaccines. Why not get a vaccine every day if they’re so safe? So how safe is enough?
RFK is a smart dude...he's spot in most of the time.
I wonder if a modern democrat not RFK as he’s an exception…if they can go on an interview for an hour and not use the word racism or sexism or transgender non-binary blah blah blah I bet none of them can go that long without calling other people bad and evil. I think we got a little more lazy due to first world comforts but yes the foods are not filling us up as much and making us fatter