
Definitely living the self sufficient lifestyle in style, totally admirable.


Wood burning tip: before reloading rake most of the coals forward then load. This will help burn down those excess coals and give you a longer front to back burn.


So neat to see young normal folks. Not all the kids are crazy. Take care Kyle and Fam


I love kitty's new happy spot by the birdfeederšŸ˜Š




You take such good care of your family! What a man, what a man, what a really good manā€¦


How beautiful your little family is! Baby is such a munchkin! 
Was relieved to see Kitty in the video!
Enjoy your baby!!!


Canā€™t wait to see the progress


You are brave


Cierra looks so happy Stanley is a lucky boy. Home is full now Kyle. Kitty wants that birdie bad. Thatā€™s a lot of snow. 
  Your place there is so well thought out. The best homestead on the continent.


I put a lot of bricks in my woodstove, so the stove keeps longer warm ! šŸ˜Š


Don't know what you do for a living,but the life you lead looks hard but great & your work ethic is fantastic,& your a great provider for your family,a proper role model šŸ…


Itā€™s been SO windy. Bummer about your tent! šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£ 
Congrats to you and Cierra on little Stanley! Enjoy every moment. It goes by faster than youd think! 


I love that your rooster is named Bruce! Itā€™s an unusual name these days. My sweet father, Bruce, passed on 13 August of this year at 99 years of age. I miss him so much. Perhaps he is living a bit of heavenly life in the spirit of your rooster. Love the synchronicity! I hope that Cierra and baby Stanley are doing well! ā¤


You are a great guy so hard-working and I know youā€™re gonna be a great dad love watching your videos God bless you and your little family ā¤


Cozy sweet little homestead you built for your beautiful little family, Kyle.
Precious BabyBoy Stanley is living the good life with Mommy & Daddy and Skeeter ā¤


The snow is beautiful!!! Your cabin looks so cozy !!! Canā€™t wait to see your next build !!!!


Your sense of accomplishment must be great and feel great.


Kyle keeping the cabin warm and comfy for his familyā€¦ā¤ Skeeter is having fun in the snowā€¦how cute!  It always makes me nervous when I see how much wood people shove in those wood stoves.  Iā€™ve never had one, so itā€™s my perspective.  But I bet they kick out the heat! Your place is so beautifulā€¦..


Congratulations on the lovely baby boy! Enjoy parenthood, welcome to the club