Using the money we gave them to hack us. Beautiful.
The more they attack and go after him for what he is doing.. the more clear it becomes they are Scared and he is on the right path
Ukraine lost badly over the weekend and they have no cards. USAID paid for a kinds of crazy things.
The Trump golf course assassin worked with Ukraine also...
This is why we should cut all funds send to Ukraine as well as all equipment sent to them.
No intel, no starlink, no training , no money, and the money they did receive needs to be accounted for. Add crippling sanctions on all goods until every dollar is payed back, with interest.
All the fraud thats why they are trying to squeeze him and scare him
I can't believe how unhinged these people are! I hope that things stop immediately because if someone goes around and vandalizes the property of others is just asking for problems.
Ukraine mad.we refused to give them another blank check.
I heard one case who claimed he had the status of stay through green cards, but recently deported back to Korea, and in further research, it turns out that he had criminal records and recent DUI accident. So most people who are deported actually have a reason to be deported if you research enough. You dont tell the truth to reporter when you are being deported, but when info is requested, you learn the exact reason for the deportation.
He should shut off starlink to Ukraine.
At this point, I almost would believe it more that it was US or Russian entities doing this, from a Ukraine IP. This doesn't serve the interests of Ukraine, so it seems unlikely they did it.
ok, so marching into a building the news is all uproar. Setting fire to vehicles and vandalising peoples cars is a "meh" headline. Truly on the bad timeline of history.
Let's say your store is burglurized....Elon is picked to find what happened to the merchandise/money...he finds the information about what happened...then you attack Elon for telling you...this is essentially what is going on with DOGE.
Schumer is who zelensky was talking to
Could it possibly be russia? They would love for elon to pull starlink...
Still haven't forgot those drones and these random fires
Not saying this is what happened but can’t you switch your ip address to another country? Isn’t that what a VPN does?
I love that they're being transparent on what they're trying to cut. That way when someone asks what they're cutting you can refer them to their website so they can check it out. This needs to be the standard for every presidency from now on.