The 336 is an iconic American rifle. Kudos to Ruger for keeping Marlin alive. Great video.👍🇺🇸
I had high hopes for how Ruger would treat the Marlin brand and from what I've seen they have more than exceeded them. Thanks for bringing this one to us
Thanks, George. I knew Ruger would be a good caretaker for the Marlin brand. I hope they expand on the line.
The checkering on the wood stock with the dark metal really tie the whole gun together, what a gorgeous piece of work.
If someone would re-make the Savage Model 99 with this kind of quality, I would deplete my vacation savings to go buy it in a heartbeat.
Had all the fun watching you shoot. Back in 1975 when I turned 20 I picked up a 336c gold trigger from Kmart (which I could barely afford!). Then I bought another one. Cost plus tax... $106. I knew it would never get any better than that. Today, about 500 million years later I still shoot the one and still hold onto the other. Never had a deer go more than 20 yards after treating with a Federal 150. Woof!
The first rifle I ever bought was a 336! That was October of 1969 and I put a lot of rounds through it. When I gave up hunting, I gave it to my step son and he is still hunting with it! At one time I did have Marlin 336, 35 Remington, and the Marlin 444...... The 444 was quite the brush gun and seemed to tunnel trough most anything that got in its way LOL Thanks for the video... brought back a lot of memories for this old man!
I was happy to see Ruger buy Marlin. I really believe that Marlin is in good hands now with Ruger. What a beautiful rifle.
I'm 75 years old and I got a Marlin 336 C on my 23rd birthday.... I adapted my 30-30 with a Harnady Revolution Bullet which improved and made my 30-30 easily to a 150 Plus rifle.... People still can't believe the accuracy my 336C shoots. Still Love my Marlin..
Glad to see the 336 is alive and well. Ruger took the time to be sure the manufacturing and tooling was up to the high standards they’re known for . Years back I was able to purchase a mint condition used marlin jm 336 from gander mountain for $350.00 . Best deal ever
Thank you for the close up montage! Looks like Ruger did a great job and did the Marlin name proud.
What a beauty Ruger has made! I'm glad to see that Ruger has continued the tradition of Marlin and the quality appears to be top notch. The 336 (in 32 Win Spcl) was my first hunting rifle, a gift from my grandfather, and brings back many pleasant memories. Long hot summer days driving deer down the ravines, sitting round the camp afterwards listening to the "old timers" out do each other and especially bagging my first deer. Thanks for the review!
Thank you for the video and thanks to Ruger for keeping Marlin alive.
Where I grew up, in Rural America east of the Mississippi river, the .30-30 was THE go to cartridge! Deer, black bear, cougar, bob cat, all kritters in that size range were commonly taken with the family. 30-30. Short barrel carbines with iron sights were limited to about 100 yards. But rifles with 24 or 26 inch barrels and good scopes all easily put down big deer with one shot out to 150, even 175 yards! It all really depended on the hunter and where he could place the shot. Still an excellent cartridge.
In my short 60+ years of hunting collecting and reloading I have found Ruger makes a basic rifle that will last for generations and do everything that most hunters will ever need! I don’t own any Rugers right now but I have owned about a hundred of their rifles in different models and they aren’t fancy but they just work!
My first deer was with my dads Marlin 336. These have a special place in my heart and I was sad when I saw Marlin was no longer making these iconic guns. So happy Ruger kept them alive!
That is one special and very beautiful rifle! It's really great to hear that Ruger sent you ammo. Nice! Sure enjoyed your little ride on the mule through your beautiful woods. Thanks for your hard work! I appreciate your knowledge on all the guns you bring us and like to hear about the history of them. Please keep them coming👏
Very nice Ruger/Marlin! I think Ruger is the only company that could actually resurrect Marlin and really make it even better than the JM Marlins! I have four JMs, but can easily envision having one or two of the Ruger offerings. If it's Ruger, you know with confidence it is super quality, reliable, dependable, durable, and accurate. I think Marlin having been acquired by Ruger is a marriage made in Heaven!
Beautiful job by Ruger! My first deer rifle was a Marlin 336 in 35 cal. Got my first buck with that rifle the second year I had it. Can still remember those days hunting with dad. 🤠