
At 24, God is pulling me from a life of debauchery and homosexuality and so now, being at a place with no father and a distant mother, I’m really having to teach myself—letting God teach me the definition of true masculinity. I seek mentors and men of God and they are here and there to find. But this teaching truly blessed me Pastor Washer. Thank you.


He hit the nail on the head when he said the greatest problem with men today is self absorption......and not sacrificial love.


Honestly, this book ‘Raising Warriors: Preparing Your Children For a Godly Life’ gave me the encouragement I needed to stay strong in raising my kids with Christian values, it’s comforting to know Im not alone on this journey


"I want to set my sights on being like Jesus Christ"

The Word, the Word, the Word


I asked a taxidriver in Colombia about his country... "Why do you think this country is a mess?"  
Man here are not faithfull was his response. These men end up in high positions and they are not able to run a home; a family, and now they will run the country. Kids grow up without good father's... 
This was a conversation I will never forget; almost 25 years ago.


I sent this to all 3 of my boys (22,23 and 18)  this is the exact msg that I wanted them to hear.. ty brother Paul


"The greatest cause of weakness among young men today is self-absorption instead of sacrificial love and service." - Pastor Paul Washer



Very biblical, Christ is our pattern to follow! A man of character it’s so important!


Hello brothers and sisters. I would just like to recommend that everyone read the book ‘Raising Warriors: Preparing Your Children For a Godly Life’. Reading that book was the best desicion I ever made.


DAVID is an example of godly masculinity. He wasn't perfect -but he was a man after God's heart.


It’s been hard for me not having a masculine role model. I did when I was younger but ever since I was around 11-12 years old after my dad moved things have been distant between me and him, now at 20 years old going on 21 Lord willing, it’s been hard to stand firm and be super manly  and strong when I face hardship at times, sometimes the scars that I thought were gone still rear their ugly heads and weigh me down, God has helped a lot but I still have so much to improve on and sometimes catch myself down and heartbroken, but I know God will get me there eventually. Please pray for me if you’re willing.


The way he broke down the direct link between self-sacrifice and real love. He opened my eyes more to what it REALLY means


This actually hit me. I almost feel heard that what men really want is a calling to serve and love is their strength. The love of God, the love of Jesus Christ.


It take real men full of love, faith, and courage to preach the gospel in Northern Nigeria.


So thankful I had a father who disciplined me. I didn’t like it at the time, but boy am I ever thankful for it now when I see the public.


Paul Washer is a Teacher, A father and a friend in his life, He loves the children of God... His life is defined by the fruit of the spirit which is  Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, & Self-Control


This is what a man was designed and purposed for by God. Women are looking for this and yet there are few to be found. May we men step up to the plate and start acting like real men! Thank you Paul!!!


Grateful for all the men here seeking God.


Praying for my husband's salvation!


Praying for a partner, leader, man like this.