"A huge middle earthquake was detected in England and apparently was cause by J.R.R. Tolkien rolling in his grave!" - The Great Mannix
J.R.R. Tolkien’s works are masterpieces, really sad how they’re ruining it
Tolkien is sacred. This series is blasphemy.
Amazon’s LOTR: The Desolation of Middle-Earth.
I can only imagine them saying "Tolkien grew up in a backward cultural environment! He didn't know better! We are fixing it! If he grew up in our time he would be ENliGthEnED!" and thank Eru Iluvatar he wasn't
“The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real things of its own. I don't think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them.”
Not diverse enough? It had humans, orcs, dwarfs, hobbits, elfs, ents.
Ah yes, a commonly cited issue amongst most Tolkien fans is the lack of diversity in a world full of orcs, elves, dwarves, hobbits, several different races of men, tree people, etc.
"lack of diversity" Really, that alone is a massive red flag. Like, the storyline that Tolkien has created is amazing even to this day. And then come the woke lunatics thinking it needs X and Y and Z when it's just an excuse for them to just make ANOTHER thing to lecture us all.
20 years ago something like this used to be called "bad fanfiction".
I'm a Black man from NY. I went to see all of these movies when they came out. Not once did I ever get upset that there were no brown people in the films. It wouldn't make sense. The stories are based on European fantasy. Which means European people. Fine. I'm okay with that. Just entertain me. I enjoyed myself every time I went. I can't wait to not watch this new garbage. If Black Panther had a TV show, I wouldn't want to see a bunch of White people in it either. Common sense.
"Lord of the Rings TV show actor says it will be multicultural, diverse, and feature strong female characters." It already did. You're just mad because they were all white ... in a setting based heavily on medieval Europe. As a woman, I don't need a female Gandalf. That's just patronizing. There are already strong female characters in LOTR, including Galadriel, who's arguably more powerful than Gandalf since she can use her full power at will and he can't. She's literally considered to be one of the greatest elves in existence and she's revered by almost everyone. Just emphasize her character, don't completely change others.
The books were based on European mythology and Christianity. Doing everything they spoke about... I an insult to the source material.
This absolutely has me seething. When I was a little girl, I loved Lord of the Rings. Legolas was my favorite character (let’s be honest, that isn’t too surprising), Aragorn was my dad’s favorite, and Eowyn was my mom’s favorite. Sometimes, the three of us would have a movie night and watch one or two of the movies together. We all had a character we loved and the thought of them being changed to fit a narrative is disgusting to me. Nothing about it needs to be ‘fixed’ because it’s already perfect. I feel really sorry for Tolkien, genuinely. If he were here to see what’s happening to the world he carefully created, he’d be devastated—possibly to the point of tears since he can’t do anything to stop it. What matters in a character isn’t their race, skin color, gender, or sexual preference. It’s their actions and personal drive. If Tolkien’s legacy is going to be butchered like this, then I’ll gladly watch as this woke trash heap inevitably gets tossed into the fires of Mt. Doom.
The original strong woman is Luthien, the elven lady that gave her love to Beren a mortal and when her father send him on an impossible mission, went out to help and try save her man. Luthien and Beren are the names engraved on Tolkien's and his wife's gravestones. These people (Amazon & co) are the embodiment of Sauron and Melkor.
Like Sauron, Morgoth, and their forces, these people are incapable of creation, and are only capable of corrupting what is good.
Being a Tolkien fan for 38 years I will not be Watching Amazon's trash this is not Tolkien's work
Let’s talk about “strong female character” Galadriel who came to middle earth with the intent to rule there herself, so when she and all the other elves were offered safe return to Valinor after Morgoth was defeated, she chose to stay and rule, and was therefore exiled. This culminated in her test when Frodo offered her the ring, what would give her power above all, and here she rejects it and diminishes, showing a “new” humility which allowed her to finally return to Valinor. Something tells me that feminists would absolutely HATE that message.
On the bright side we will still have the original