
What do you think...should schools monitor students' behavior on school-issued devices? Where should they draw the line between protecting and snooping on students?


Schools authority should legally be limited to school equipment and school networks...


I’m wondering if my school is gonna track me because I left a bad review on my schools website.


My school installed their a way to watch us on our person computers and it’s a big deal in my school


My college district recently decided to cut ties with Proctorio, and I am so hyped because proctoring is one thing, but to make a student do a complete 360 of their surroundings and watching students' every movement is just awful, and if anything, it amplifies stress and anxiety while students are taking an exam. As a professor, I've always found it to be a huge invasion of privacy.


I feel sorry about the teacher who sees my search history


I have to say this opinion before I even watch the video. The schools should not monitor your activity online, it's not their job. Their job is to teach you. Now Schools own networks should be monitored and such, but that's limited just to their network access and such (I'm totally not using the right language here but I hope it's getting across)


I think it makes sense to have surveillance in the school structure itself and any equipment owned by the school but they should not be allowed to see what students do with their own personal property outside of school unless there's a reasonable amount of suspicion that something's really wrong. Like with the 4th amendment, how cops can't come in and search your house without a reasonable amount of suspicion and a warrant. But assuming the students are minors, parents can choose to monitor their kids' online activity if they so wish of course.


My school forced everyone to stop using their personal devices for learning since people were playing during class. Now we have to use laptops that belong to the schools so they can know what we do.


Imagine being on the hub and the school watching 😳


Could you please also address the issue of monitoring software collecting student data to sell to advertisers? A university in my city openly admitted the monitoring software monitored even when you weren't doing anything to do with school, even when you told it not to, and could access files without having to wait for you to open them. This wasn't to keep students safe. The university openly admitted it would sell student data if it ever went bankrupt... THAT was why the students were forced to download the software


My middle schools just blocks websites on the school computer. But my Mother said the school board was considering scaning our phones and computers and blocking websites on it. Since "we take our schools repretation with us". I hate that, I think schools should just block on their own property. Unless students are considered property now. Plus idk what my school would consider inappropriate on my phone its probably a long list. It's also like they don't trust me, I don't blame them considering that time I used my phone in class.


When i first got school laptop, i would factory reset and network reset, upgrade windows and antivirus, use vpn as necessary, and put some tapes on my webcam


Well, when it comes to preventing students from committing suicide, self-harming, or school shootings, this internet surveillance is only trying to stop symptoms of the larger problem which is the student's mental health. Most schools don't have that many counselors and they do not encourage their students to seek out help. Schools are putting a ton of money into stopping the symptoms from occurring, but they do not seem as worried about the cause of these actions.


I just recently discovered this channel and I love it. Keep up the good work!!


Snooping (ie.surveillance) confirms lack of trust on the part of the schools, and also gives those snooped upon every reason to distrust those doing it.


The schools’ and teachers’ job is to teach their students and it’s not their job to spy on them. How come they don’t know that that was a privacy invasion ? They should use their knowledge to know that what they’re doing was illegal


I'm against the surveillance and in most cases technology.  I'd rather schools used thinclients, whitelists and other restrictions, ban mobile devices by using jammers and let the kids be.  In event of any kind of threat, the jamming technology be turned off.  I also think there should be a discussion in school about social media psychology, threats, addictions etc. as part of the curriculum in some mandatory course such as English or History.


I would say, blocking inappropriate content and it should only be limited to school accounts and computers. Also I agree with @Leila I think that schools are attacking the symptoms of the problem itself which is the mental health of students.


As always with your topics, it’s complicated! I don’t know the answer, but I feel there’s gotta be a line somewhere. I’m imagining a sad  future where advanced technology is used in schools to capture and analyze every single student’s conversations on campus, virtual and face to face. And perhaps that same tech is used by parents off campus (such as a kind of spying wristwatch). Kids are people too, and they deserve a certain degree of privacy. But of course we want to keep them safe, so maybe it’s a matter of balancing privacy and surveillance. Some surveillance is good but let’s not get carried away.