
Disney lost its audience's trust.


This is the last show I expected to flop. Goes to show you how much damage Disney has done to their brand.


I think the problem is everyone is done with Disney plus so people just don’t care no more


You know what this has nothing to do with the shows writing this is a result of all the damage Disney has done with their previous shows


It just shows that nobody is willing to give Disney the benefit of the doubt anymore.


Numbers would have been better if it was released on Netflix.. Disney+ have lost a lot of subscribers.


Should've just left the Marvel shows on Netflix. They knew what they were doing.


Marvel needs to focus on just bringing back quality TV and movies and Daredevil is a step in the right direction. They’re not gonna get back the audience overnight.


People are done. Disney killed Marvel and Star Wars.


Let’s not forget the damage that’s been done to these characters before hand. 

She Hulk used Matt as a boy toy and don’t forget the walk of Shame, Daredevil in Echo also struggled against Echo in a fight making him look weak. 

Then you have the Hawkeye show, where King Pin lost to KATE BISHOP of all heroes, then lost an eye to Echo again ruining the image of the character. 

All of this is as bad as Kang losing to a bunch of ants. The fans have checked out, we already see how Disney feels about these characters. If they don’t care neither will we.


Tells you how much damage Disney has done to their brand for this show to be flopping


Funny thing is the Daredevil seems to be what She-Hulk should have been.  A courtroom drama with superhero action mixed in.


The damage is done. Honestly hope it gets worse for Disney so that they have no choice but to sell the reigns to another studio with more of a passion


I bet a lot of people are just waiting for the entire series to drop and for word of mouth before they watch. If anything, it shows how much goodwill Disney has lost with the fans.


It’s definitely due to the burn out of Disney’s previous failures. As the show goes on, hopefully it continues to elevate, and that in of it’s self will pave out the path of success.


I'm pretty sure Daredevil being on She Hulk and getting with She Hulk at the end didn't do any favors for Daredevil here


I LOVED Daredevil while it was on Netflix, but Disney's involvement has totally turned me away.  I love the actors and the world, but just know that Disney will destroy it by infesting the story with their ideology, because they just can't help but keep trying to indoctrinate their viewers.  The three seasons of Daredevil on Netflix will forever be amazing.


To my knowledge a lot of household are in fact cancelling there subscriptions to the house of mouse so there's always that.


Disney doesn't understand how their attempted radicalization has caused people to radicalize against them. They can't simply just put out a film and win back fans, they have to be dismantled and rebuilt or utterly destroyed. In the game of thrones you either win or die. They played and failed.


Up here in canada disney+ is now going for 1.99$ ... there begging for people to come back