
Sir, plz implement it throughout india.. What is stopping you from implmenting it in India. We will support you..


Nice step !!!! need this in Hyderabad also


Why should I eat Haram Halal. Malhar certification is a welcome


Very good decision it should be implemented in complete Country🎉


That's great.. He is amazing


Please implement certificate for vegitarian food as well people dont want to eat muslims saliva spitting food 😅


"When your thoughts are foolish. You become what you oppose" - Aristotle.


I welcome this move by Shri. Nitesh Rane. Who thinks of Hindus in today's world? ❤


Good decision. 👌


A welcome step ♥️🙏


Nitish is very creative, good future. Thank you for hygienic food


We the people of India are real fools. Look at our economy, our education system, our health system, transport system, etc etc. Mumbai the financial capital, is in a total mess. And people are fighting for this? People deserve the politicians we have😢


Why India Today is crying?😢😢😢😢


Chicken delivery would be quicker... 
No need to wait in queue...


Need in Delhi also , it is very hard to find jatka mutton shops .


This should be pan india implementation


राणे साहेब, त्रिवार अभिवादन, ❤❤❤


Their is shop selling Jhatka mutton in mumbai


a good and very much needed initiative. the industry is dominated by a single community. also HALAL is forced on majority of the population.


Much needed step. Thanks to Rane Sir.