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Thank you for your interest in science!   -- Andrew


after discovering this podcast, my commute to office has become so enjoyable that these days i am taking the longer route to office, so that i can listen as much as i can in a day...🤩


This guy is slowly but surely changing my life. Thank you, Dr Huberman. The things you are surely accomplishing behind the scenes with casual viewers such as myself is what this world needs. Please don’t stop


Thanks from Ukraine! We are bombarded by political news, always in emotional rollercoaster here, but your podcasts are like an island of stability. A reminder to be responsible of own health and emotions even during hard times


I really enjoyed this guest a lot, he acted honest and humble, it gave me extra confidence in everything he said. You both seemed to connect very well also., just a great vibe in the room.

Thank you a lot for all your work!


Huberman the people need to see you talk to a comedian and break down the humor mindset


Greatest start to my work day, priming my brain as I walk in the cold air with my dog. Your videos have had a profound impact on my life. Thank you Huberman.


I like to visualize a project then begin. Open to changes while creating when I see improvements. Every morning I speak how thankful I am for all the blessings in my life and feeling full of love.


Thank you Andrew for giving me an opportunity to meet all kinds of people to listen and  might learn things from them , it is a blessing even we don’t agree on everything ❤️


This episode is life changing. I can't believe this podcast keeps getting better as time goes on.


As someone with ADD, from the self conversation to the control of attention- you both sort of lost me, but also gave me such a great understanding of how my way of thinking differs. With ADD (inattentive adhd), my main issue is hyperfocus itself- the stuff you’re saying so many people struggle with! That’s the thing, I just finishing up obsessing over skincare for the last hour- when I should be sleeping- sometimes it’s not so much the lack of an ability to focus but an executive function issue of being able to control WHAT the focus is on - that “warm up” you presented- is my typical morning! But if I wake up thinking about x when I need to be getting ready for y- that slows me down- because I have a very hard time moving on from x. I am very good at surfing the web and foraging for info for research- but I am even better at widdling it down to the main points to go down (only because I go into extensive detail most wouldn’t to know what is best to include/best wording to balance accuracy without sacrificing accuracy while a quick thinker would read the abstract and then recklessly paraphrase it. I am however horrible at speedreading- biggest issue for my SAT score was this- I’ll remember more than anyone else but it’ll take me longer. 

In today’s world- that’s not always valued often- so I’ve ensured I go into research where it is while also working on my skill to get to the point/goal faster. Issue is that I don’t always control easily what I choose to focus on- you have your goal- but I am very susceptible into falling into a pothole on the goal’s road that ends up being a rabbit hole to a wonderland of info my brain loves learning but the goal is not being done- but I’ve tricked myself into thinking it’s somewhat relevant and therefore not a waste- when in reality I’m Dorothy on the winding yellow brick road while Glinda takes the straight train to Oz- the destination I’m aiming at- did I learn the most about Oz along the way? Sure, but it took me longer.  

And someone help me if a more urgent problem interrupts this and I have to address it first- getting back on that previous goal is very hard- it’s why you’ll see my perfectly cleaned and sorted load of laundry…sitting in the washer wet for 1-2days…and my forbidden chrome of “:)” tabs. It takes a lot of other stuff to ensure I remind myself to get back on work- to do lists, reminders, but the biggest one is deadlines and stress over making them.


Thank you Huberman! Your videos have helped change my life so much for the better.


Discussing the connection between social texting etiquette between humans, as related to social grooming etiquette between Monkeys… The Huberman Lab just keeps getting better.


Thank you Huberman Lab for another great podcast. We live in a world of constant bad news, especially in the economic and political arenas. It's so nice to have the opportunity to listen to such amazing content without charge. You are a Superstar, Andrew!


Agradezco por el espacio que tienes para hablar libremente de tantos temas importantes y aún cuando no entiendo el 100% de lo que hablas con tus invitados, creo que es importante no solo.estar al tanto de lo que sucede en nuestro comportamiento, si no también reflexionar en la forma en la que tomamos decisiones. Gracias 🙏


Mondays should be renamed as Andrew Huberman days !!! Dr.Andrew you are blessing to this society.


Thanks Andrew. I have been wondering about this topic for decades. Almost over analyzing every move I make, delaying decisions for hormonal stability. This really helps in giving a closure to my mind. I am in no way a neuroscientist (just an engineer who has interest in the secrets of the mind).


Thank you so much for spreading science for no cost, you are changing the world by enabling everyone to learn science so clearly and interestingly.


Yea, that’s why we warm up. Nobody should be getting injured while working out if workout is really what we are doing. The warm up should do the similar thing that recovery does— help us perform best during the rigor of exercise. This is why form matters as well as stretching and mobility continuity! I’m SO glad there is more info like that out here on Instagram because it’s so necessary. 
I CrossFit with injury from autoimmune disease but I make very sure that I’m not Re injuring or injuring myself, by being conscious of my movements in every respect and HOW I crossfit and WHEN.


After i started following you my life had improved very much , thank you so much ❤