
"T-800? Is that another machine?" Yes, Conan, it is.


The closest thing we'll ever see both the Terminator and the T-1000 in the same fighting game.


I was waiting for a t-1000 vs peacemaker


Peacemaker: You look just like my dad
T-1000: mimetic polyalloy allows me to look like anyone.


It's funny how the T-1000 sounds genuinely surprised.


It’s a time paradox. T-1000 is so impressed by Conan that he sends data on him to Skynet in the past, and Skynet uses him as the template for the T-800.


I like how Conan immediately deduced what the T-1000 was referring to


I love that he takes a second to glance at Conan’s body. Like he’s somehow in shock that this man looks like their machines


”You look like the former governor of California, Mr. Freeze, Dutch, Douglas Quaid, Harry Tasker, Julius Benedict, John Matrix, Ben Richards, 7× times won Mr. Olympia, and 5× times won Mr. Universe”


Thank the lord they knew the people would mention the fact that T-1000 should mention why conan looks "familiar"


Wish both terminators were in the same game


0:17 T-1000 dropped blood?


The T-1000 is just effortlessly cool!


I cant get over the sound of Conan swinging his sword XD


The epic Conan theme started playing in my head as soon as I saw the thumbnail.


They will both be back!!


Now we need to see the T-1000's interactions with Omni-Man, Peacemaker, Homelander and Ghostface.


Kinda glad to see that Conan knows what a machine is. 🗡🤖


T-1000 : "Are you the host of the oscars ?"
Arnold : "that's different Conan"


If T-1000 was in MK11 it would’ve made the intros insane