
Fishing has been slow for sure last couple months.  Glad to see you catching these tanks,  fishing should really start heating up soon. Can't wait to see your videos.


Beach Bomber back in the day we used robber bands to tie the crabs keep up showing those wonderful videos May God Bless You


Oh man, I wish I'd known you where down there I'd have stopped by! We fished The Texas City Dike Saturday and landed 4 drum over 35, one probably ~45 about mid day. 

I've been fishing that park for 25 years, but I've never fished over on that side.... used to be an absolute skunk every single time. Glad to see all these years later it's become a banger!


The best knot you can use is the one you’re most comfortable with. The first knot I ever learned was a uni knot, so a double uni came natural.


Mounted my cast cannon on the side instead of under the rod ,, game changing now i actually love casting it using the thumb for release 👍


Nice video man I feel your pain about getting skunked I went to east bay yesterday in my boat and didn’t catch anything but those days make the good days so much better lol


Another awesome video as always, Beach!  Who are the tourists at 0:25 ?  Sorry we couldn't get on some pelagics when you were down here.  The fishing has been super slow and now that the tropical storm dirtied up the water it's gonna even longer before they show up.  Hopefully next time you come down the fishing is better, because it can't get much worse. lol


Amazing video bro, big fish catch with the right crab bait


Transitions are awesome! Nice to see some big uglies! What's the bottom like out there? Sandy, Rocky, or a lot of oyster beds?


Thanks for the tutorial part! Do you wet the mono-to-braid knot you showed? Also, if you do not mind a random question: how do you get decent resolution images on sentinel hub? I can find areas, but way too blurry to find spots. Thanks!


Nice, I’ve been at the TC Dike getting skunked.


Dang you were killing it !!!!!


We live out here by Port lavaca and it's been terrible fishing here


Awesome my dude!! Please think about a future in metal singing!!! You got the voice for it! LMAO Subscribing now!!


You caught the dropping barometer, that's what dream days are made of.
Nice Carlos!!!!!


Go Kendall!!!


Hadir kembali kawan mantap spotnya sukses slalu salam fishing ❤❤❤❤


Thoughts on okuma reel? 8k surf still good? Or worth paying extra for Salinas and others?


This is me every time I sit a hook. 0:01


Props to Kendall