
Brian: Eschew
Me: Bless you


I am a native English speaker who had straight A’s. I have no idea why I’m watching this video, but it is currently night and I’m procrastinating sleeping.


I watched the video twice and got all 15 words right the 2nd time therefore my English vocab is now better than 97% of people world wide.


I got 14/15 as an english as a foreign language student, kinda proud. Thank you for the quiz, it was fun!


New born baby here. As someone who just popped out of the womb a couple days ago, I'm proud to say I got all 13/15 correct! I'm just laying here in this little crib waiting to go home, so this was a fun little exercise.


I pride myself on having quite a distinct vocabulary but I've never seen or heard anyone use "blithe" or "eschew" before so thank you for extending my vocabulary even further.


120 year old Antarctican here. As someone who knows all languages, im pretty happy with my 20/15. Thanks for asking!


100%, as an avid reader I found these easy.  Did very much appreciate the quick 3 second wait for the answer.


Hi. (Sorry for my bad English)


12/15 here. i’ve never seen or heard eschew or blithe be used in anything i’ve read before, you learn something new everyday. succinct was the most frustrating because i knew the word but forgot the meaning.


As a person with English as his second language. I'm proud of getting 13/15.

Edit: I have never got so many likes. TYSM


58 year old Native American here, I was correct in 14 if the 15 words. Yaay🙂❤️🌺🌟


0:28  1) value
0:52  2) sustain 
1:17    3) various 
1:41   4) Emphasize 
2:04  5) typical 
2:36   6) Blunt 
3:00   7) consequence 
3:25   8) Strain 
3:50   9) Authentic 
4:14   10) Evolve
5:06   11) Blithe
5:35   12) Ambiguous 
6:03   13) Facilitate 
6:30   14) Succinct 
6:54   15) Eschew

Thank you ❤


High school dropout here. 15/15

Blithe was the only difficult one but then I remembered "blithe ignorance" and worked it out.


Mom was the English major, so of course I scored 15/15.  She said being well-spoken would make me seem smarter than I truly am.


15/15 I love doing these, just to test my mind. One of my degrees held is in the field of  education. I applaud all of the people, who do well on these test, esp those who are from countries, who's first language is not English. Contrary to those born and brought up, speaking English all their lives, English is truly one of the hardest languages to learn. 

So kudos to all of you, who took up the real challenge to master and learn it! 😊


I got 11/15 and English is not my first language!! I'm freaking proud myself!!


Got all 15 but I was raised speaking English. Impressed by  non native speakers who know most of these.


14/15. Blithe got me. Love this channel. I am 64 years old, American southerner, some college and English is my only language.


I knew all of them!!!! I'm 14 years old and have college level English overall, this includes grammer, vocabulary, puncuation, and spelling! Love y'all!!!