
Just think, if it weren’t for this lockdown it would be Dan chasing the feathers, jumping in the garden, and drinking water in slow mo.


In today's episode of Slow Mo Guys, Dan shows off his amazing cat cosplay skills and Gavin just goes along with it.


Somewhere Dan just randomly said "and I'm Dan" in his house.


This struck me as very sweet, like a love letter for their time together expressed in the best way Gavin knows how- by documenting Smee in slow motion.


the cat literally has the same vibe that Dan has - smug stare, fluffy, does all the stunts


"Cats always land on their feet"

Smee: No I don't think I will.


Now that Smee is your co-star, does he get his own little Slo-Mo Guys lab coat?


My favorite part is Baby Smee sliding across the floor. So cute


I think this might be the first time I've ever seen smee instead of just hearing about him in letsplays. Absolute baby did not disappoint


I don’t know what I would have guessed if you asked me what “Slow Mo Guys in Quarantine” would look like, but this is weirdly perfect.


“Oh wait I did” actually had me audibly gasp with excitement


I don't know why I cried when Gavin said he had videos of his cat.   He talks all the time about how he keeps everything so it's not surprising, but when time reversed and Smee was a baby it got me.  I miss when my cats where babies sometimes.


"My barber is closed, how inconsiderate of him." How about a slow mo video of an electronic razor to cut that hair? 😂


We all sat here and watched Gavin flex his adorable cat, and no one is disappointed at all by the cuteness!


me: oh this is just like the days of filming lloyd what a lovely throwback
"in memory of lloyd the cat"
me: noooooooooo


My 3-year-old can't get enough of this video. She keeps calling herself Smee, dancing around on all fours with her cat ear headband on, and asking for this video on endless repeat.


"you're supposed to land on your feet, smee" 

Ensue rapid tail flicking


I see Gavin has pulled the old emergency content idea #3:
When in doubt: film your cat.


I never expected to be so filled with happiness upon hearing "Oh wait, I did!" Gav, you genius, you.


Despite having no connection to Lloyd the cat, this is the first time I've heard that he'd passed away and it legitimately made me really sad to hear. He featured in like 2 videos and I'm upset at the loss of Gavin's childhood-teenage cat.