Love having Dan back! I missed him
I am so enjoying having Dan back. The "dark" years were good, but the interaction between you two is just great!
That manual split second focus pull was actually really impressive in itself...
This is honestly an effect that needs to be picked up by someone doing like multiverse wall breaks or something, it seriously looks like Dan is breaking a hole in the universe at points.
I'm so happy that Dan has been able to make his way to these shores and join the videos again. The banter back and forth really makes it.
Well done on the focus pull🙌🏾💯🔥
" There's just so much more going on than I thought. " This applies to every one of your videos. Gav, Dan - you never cease to amaze me with new insights about the world we live in. Thank you.
I still think it would be interesting to see welding at insanely slow speeds, always wondered what it looks like
As a youtuber from way back i remember when you two went from the back yard to a high budget set with full back in the backyard, and frankly it feels so good to see yall creating together. Appreciate it
As a kid who grew up obsessed with blowing bubbles, I would've gone crazy at the idea of this experiment
The focus pull footage was absolutely stunning
its great to see both you back together.
I'm sure it's already been said countless times, but I'm so glad you two are back together. Slo Mo Guys is whole again.
Props to Dan for the bubble setup! I figured this would be a really tricky one to achieve, but he got it more or less down to a science.
I love how you guys are so good with your sound effects. I know they don't match anything in actual slow motion, but I love it anyways, it gives the videos so much more detail.
7:52 those tiny ripples that appear on the highlight to the left are so cool. Incredible how much detail is hiding in there
You know, watching these guys goof around with bubbles, it’s easy to forget that Gavin is a legitimately skilled and experienced camera operator with credits on multimillion dollar projects. That focus pull was nuts. It’s like watching Dan in any video with explosives or guns. Honestly it’s such a gift that we get to watch two experienced and knowledgeable people experiment for our enjoyment.
Okay but that focus pull is masterful, Gavin is truly a genius and I soooo happy to have him and Dan back together
The feeling of comfort and safety I feel when I see Gavin and Dan together is unlike anything else I’ve experienced. Y’all are seriously a light in an otherwise dark tunnel. From the bottom of my heart, thank you both so much for everything y’all do! Y’all help me in more ways than I can describe. Thank you <3