
Thank you so much for all the love you guys have shown me. It’s amazing how many messages I get that my videos can help some of you. That’s truly all I want and hope for. Reading your supportive comments always makes me want to improve and try to give you guys the best content. I know I’m not always active on social media, but just know I am always working on something new and strange for you lol. I appreciate you all so much it’s insane. Happy Holiday’s and stay swaggy ❤️


Winky mom being the mirror guard with a mop is perfection


"Our first big booty baddie is the muffin man" had me rolling☠


Gets so much funnier when you realize the extra is her mom 😭😭


“This is not a wig, I was blessed by my mommy” famous last words


The fact her mom is literally in her vids is crazy

She needs a award for acting all these characters


Idek how she does this without bursting out laughing every five seconds 😭


People 30 years ago could not fathom what 2023 comedy content would look like. It’s incredible


11:24 that caught me off guard😂😂


I really hope that this was someone's first ASMR experience💀
Calming and hilarious💀💀💀


Mother has gifted us with more ASMR 😍


i feel like i’m watching deleted scenes from the actual movie, so talented.




I love how her mom gets in on her shenanigans 🤣


When the world needed her most, she returned


"💅i was blessed by my mummy✨" such inspirung words


This was my first ASMR experience, and I’m not disappointed 💀💀💀


Her mom is so iconic doing this with her😌


I just love that your mom that always be in the video😭❤


bye she’s so creative😭 how does she come up w these?😭😭😭