It's got paper. It's got lines. It's got covers. Whoa, Nellie, it's even got some writing. Truly, I don't think anything before has ever been made exactly like this. What a quantum leap, in the literal sense. Thank you, Mr. Better, for this once in a sometime opportunity.
this note book works like the deathnote but you gain the knowledge of any topic person place or thing you write in it lol
I'd help this humanity's leap forward, but the shipment price is probably 10x the price of the notebook.
This man's voice is as amazing as the fact he lives inside our walls
I unironically wait a video with advice and tips on how to properly organize and manage information with this notebook from Mr. Better himself.
Hes invented paper folks. Get it while it's hot off the press
@0:12 Is it me or is the audio soo bad the wasted drunk slurring Australian man started speaking Japanese for a split second? 😮
Be right back, going to steal this idea and patent it under my name!
This is so perfect for corporate advertising today💀💀💀
I'm interested in the e-book version......
Dang, if only my thoughts were good enough to write down.
No mention of the innovative bind that allows one to easily turn pages.
Using those big tobacco buzzwords to title this. I like it.
Jesus what is going on with the sound? 😵
No headphone jack and you can't replace the battery!?! Revolutionary!
Missed opportunity to call it the noting better
Gotta have one of these.. i just wanna say.. as a religious devout to the words of compassion.. and wisdom.. thru sociology and physics and microbiology..and every known theology.. aswell as astral objective experiments and experiences in it being a real non euclidian place inside every mind in the micro world which binds everyone yet individualizes.. that I love your channel ans your guidance.. stay full of integrity and dignity and wisdom in my eyes.. for if i have a heaven thou is welcome.. for eternity to have peace and resolution from here the world can no longer hurt but only benefit in thy knowledge…
writhes In withdrawal mode for a twitch KB vid ... faints
notebook….. don’t you mean knowtebook [raucous applause]