Clearly this is an ancient Mayan temple
Respect for that kickflip😂🙏
Kf was mad🤟
David Gravette has entered the chat
I’d kill for this skate park when I was growing up.
Those are ancient ruins from a civilization way more advanced than us.😂
How do u even get ready for a kickflip on that step
Ok. You won. That thing is just a troll to the skateboard community.
When Brenda in accounts gets the go ahead to make a skatepark.
My near by skate park is water logged and infested with this rolly polly big thing and gilled with trash and flaking. But this is definitely worse
Parks like these are probably requested by the locals. The city council probably agreed to it, but set the budget extremely low.
Nice kickflip!! 😅
I want to see someone skate up the railing over the obstacle
Andy Anderson should see this spot 🫡🫡
Rodney and Daewon reckon it's pretty good
ai generated skatepark
Gotta get gravette over there
Feels like our Bikeparks here 😢
I bet that was for rollerblades when it was built.