An idea for Salt Shark. It's expensive to distribute the globe from one location. Luckily there is a common practice that a lot of chemical companies do. They find a chemical mixing company to make their products, they follow recipes, have bottles filled and labeled, boxed and shipped. A lot of soap type chemicals are made this way. I'm in the pressure washing business and a lot of companies have their preferred mixing company to make their surfactants that I use. I would find one for North America, one for Europe, and of course one locally for local distribution. That would help cut the cost of shipping chemicals across the seas. One specific thing you will have to do is make sure the bottle you want to use is available or can be available for cheap. Most people go with a common shape because it's easily available everywhere.
Colin, i admire your talent of taking those saildrives apart. I dont mind mechanical work but theres a limit to how involved I get. Kudos to you and crew.
Love to see all the hard work being put into your baby Parlay. It’s quite impressive how much Colin & Jamie know & can do themselves. Quite inspiring actually!
Colin you and the crew are legends, companies want to sponsor you because your a top bloke who is honest, caring and is worthy of a NZ Knighthood 😇👍⛵️
I appreciate the tact and class that you use as you’ve begun to advertise your partnership. We all know that popular channels like yours can make a lot more money by allowing advertisements and really respect the fact that you rely solely on patreon members. Keep up the great content because we love it. Thanks for another great episode!
The kit of Knipex tools doubled the value of Parlay. And well worth it. Fantastic products.
Never thought I would ever be captivated or interested in the nuts and bolts, screws and washers of what is unseen to the rest of us on beautiful Parlay. Colin, you have a hidden talent to make it so understandable to all of us. Your depth and range of knowledge on how all this "works together" is impressive.
My mother always told me to stop over-tensioning my rigging or it would make me go blind. 🙂 You and the crew are rocking it! Your proactive maintenance on Parlay has kept everyone safe on your voyage around the world.
Those Knipex tools from Germany are among the best in the world, happy repairing.
Great episode. Love your narration, the pacing, the level of value and knowledge imparted. "Top Shelf" all the way, Mate!
Sell the product without water and have the customer add water. Shipping without water will save a lot of weight but allow you to get the product shipped internationally
A great Captain, you are, Colin!
You are spot on about the shroud tensions! People tensining cats to "10% stretch" are basically folding them in half! The Knipex kit is top quality, you won't be disappointed.
It’s sad that Taylor is leaving Parlay, it was always great to listen to him describing his time on Parlay. What a great partner as I believe he will always remain true to your deal. I am amazed that as a grandmother I find rebuilding and replacing things on your boat is so interesting. You truly had me so mesmerized, I didn’t even notice that you were almost finished this episode. Stay safe
Gonna miss Taylor but I’m sure we’ll see him before too long! Good luck with the business and YES!! Canadian market, perfect! We canucks need something to remove the salt in the wintertime! 🇨🇦
Mate those things are going to be fantastic you wouldn’t understand the difficulty of catamaran rigging until you’ve owned a Cat I never understood why my rigging was always either too bloody tight or too bloody loose on the other side it used to drive me insane and eventually a rigger advised me to tighten them right up and that did never sound right thanks Colin that’s great and I’ll add that to My brain for the future I’m really glad for the information regarding this . Mate they’re fantastic that’s a must have to stop you worrying when the shrouds go slack . Great work
Jonas, the sailboat whisperer, listening and interpreting the sounds of rigging under sail. 👏 The Cyclops load sensors from Indie Marine are game changers. Brilliant! I loved this. Thanks for sharing.
That knipex kit is no joke. Best tools made imho.
sexy toolbox! That company is from my hometown! So best wishes from Wuppertal, Germany!