I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone be genuinely excited by archeology. Also this whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. Mojang should give you a medal.
I'll say, armor trims are a good addition to the game. They give you reasons to explore places you would normally not go to. Even if it's just for aesthetics.
Sorry to tell you, but a new material have been added to this. Resin is also an material to decorate Armor now
Honestly, Rek has taught me that you don't need to swear to express yourself greatly. Trying to swear less and he's helped me so much. Keep up the great work, Rek.
"If Mojang adds more armor trims, I don't know what I'm gonna do." That aged well.
I can't wait for Mojang to add 3 new armor trims to the Trial Chambers, so that you'll have to do another episode :) Edit: It was 2, but they did in fact do it, lol Edit 2: I also know of the new resin color for armor trims. Please just assume I’m aware of whatever the latest update to armor trims is, I keep up with this game!
Hey rekrap!!! Time to wake up and realize that with 1.21 there are two new armor trims! ☺
43:43 if you didn't know, shulkercraft is infamous in the technical minecraft community for stealing farm designs. even worse, they don't provide crucial details such as what versions a farm works in, or if it's directional locational etc. that tunnel bore design was made by borkbon (you can find him on yt). however, better ones have been made now imo, such as a modular 7x2 wide design by yisibite and improved by rechenmaschine and underlein.
Rek: “I got all the armor!!” Dyed Leather Armor: uhhhhhh
32:45 this entire segment is just so wholesome, you can sense the pure joy
Now max enchant everything 😈
He dedicated so much time of his life to collecting Minecraft armor. I got to give him props for this video! 💪
It’s so nice to watch a YouTuber who knows what they’re doing. That is NOT a judgement against other Minecraft YouTubers, but watching him try to figure out his goal without having a hard time surviving in the world is unique. For example, when he fought the Wither, he said, “as per usual, just to make it more interesting, let’s put it into hard mode” (9:55). It just shows that he’s focused on the challenge rather than the essentials of Minecraft. Please don’t hate on me, I know there are other YouTubers like that, he’s just the only one I know of.
I just realized you can put trims on dyed leather armor. If anyone is insane enough to do all 16 colors, it’s this guy.
Rek, you forgot all the dyed leather armor, using new resin trim, and not to mention, every combination of armor enchantments. (Alright actually this as absolutely incredible you did so well! ❤)
Now you should try getting every single dyed leather armor and armor trims for every single one of them and every single banner in Minecraft.
Rekrap really out here making Minecraft armor collecting into a cinematic experience, and I'm here for it!
Wait till he hears about the 2 new trims, hes gonna have a mental breakdown
Silence armour trims are like, my favourite armour trim. Unless I’m mistaken, Clownpeirce once got it on netherite armour with gold ingots it was so cool